Second Life What is it all about?
You Tube - Second Life overview An Overview You Tube - Second Life overview
What’s in it for me? Meet other students and tutors from the course Have questions answered and concerns addressed Make contact with members of the wider university team Find out about new learning environments Develop communication skills with cutting edge technology in a creative environment
What’s in it for MMU? Good practice in terms of student satisfaction and support Evaluation of a new learning platform Kudos of using trend setting technology
Who will be there? Members of the teaching team Members of the Student Support team Other student teachers!
When do we meet? To be agreed!
How do I get started? Virtual Ability Island is a good place to enter Second Life. Use the hyperlink below to create your avatar and download the software that you will need to get started. Please feel free to email me for more information Look out for me once you are ‘in world’! My avatar is called Jaen Sommer
Where do we meet? The MMU office on Education Island UK. Try to go along before a meeting to check the room out and see if you can sit on one of the cushions or beanbags! Have a wander around the Island to see what other universities are doing there too. If your Internet connection is open and you have already downloaded the software and created an avatar you just need to click on the link below to be transported there
Outside the MMU office
Inside the MMU office
Where do I get more information? e mail Jane Woods for a list of helpful hyperlinks and tips!