Key Conclusions of Workshop Session 4: taking stock of developments – research and other work
Session 4: Taking stock of developments (research and oth.) Recent developments: 1. Variety of work streams at the EEA related to water economics: better understanding the options/effects of water policy decisions (WFD) & what information/methodologies are needed, e.g. linking WFD and water (ecosystem) accounts 2. CIS-SPI ad-hoc activity 2010-12 ( & meeting end of Sept): key issues: Economic valuation of ecological services Improvement of economic analysis (process-oriented) 2
Session 4: Taking stock of developments (research and oth.) key issues: Alternative financing – use of economic / market-based instruments Current projects of interest (IWRM-Net): ESAWADI, Water Cap & Trade); interesting developments: e.g. game theory 3. Project on: Developments in non-market valuation of relevance to WFD-implementation Assess the role of ecosystem services approach 3