Process Mappin Example SSC impact correlated to GPA Process Mappin Example Get Freshman Cohort IDs from WT systems Create report to “pull” GPA and # of SSC visits associated with IDs Use Freshman semester GPA of each cohort to identify 2.0-3.0 students. These are the “mid-range” students. Use N-L data to identify mid-range students based on pre-college characteristics Create trending report of ID, GPA and # of visits over time for each student in the mid-range Examine report for correlation between # of visits and GPA trends Examine report for correlation between visits and GPA statistical trends Create narrative and graphical report to convey results TRAINERS: This slide includes animation. Each step of the process map will animate with a mouse click, followed by the decision point step animation, followed by the ‘Are there any questions?’ animation. The next click thereafter will advance to the next slide where you will being to manually process map your team project on the wall with sticky notes.