Assignment Quality of Life sub-module Petri Kainulainen


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Presentation transcript:

Assignment Quality of Life sub-module Petri Kainulainen EUREKA 2013, Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary

Task and data collection Task is To evaluate the Quality of Life in your case village Analyse the data with SWOT and A’WOT Provide development suggestions to the case village Data collection instructions Prepare a qualitative data collection for with your group (it should be accepted be the teacher) Make the interviews as planned with next week. There should be around 5 – 10 interviews per group Use recording devices if possible

Analyzing the data Write down the whole interview data with MS Word Make a SWOT analysis based on interviews The work could proceed as follows: (Write down the answers in MS Word) Combine similar answers and issues into groups Find out and write down what is the combining factor in each group (couple of words – a short sentence) Make a SWOT table – decide factor by factor whether it is strength (S), weakness (W), opportunity (O) or threat (T) to the village and the quality of life of it’s inhabitants Finetune the factors and make the final shifts between the factor groups if necessary Make an A’WOT analysis for the SWOT table of your case village use 5 fold steps (5, 10, 15, …) Try to differenciate (do not give 95 for all) Prioritise the factors based on the A’WOT

Reporting Prepare a study report with MS Word The report should include at least the following chapters Introduction (What have we done?) Methods (How have we done it?) Results (What did we find out?) Conclusions (What should be done based on the results?) The deadline for the report is xx.xx.2013 Send the final report to for final evaluation Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the results Presentations will be held on week xx Length of the presentation: 10-15 minutes