Begin with a small ball of wedged clay about the size of an orange. Step 1 Begin with a small ball of wedged clay about the size of an orange.
Step 2 Open the ball by placing your thumb into the center of the ball and pushing.
Step 3 Begin pinching from the bottom and rotating the ball of clay while still pinching
Step 4 Keep the opening the size of your thumb by gently squeezing the top and turning.
You should have something like this… Reminder-The pot should be ¼ inches thick on all sides
Repeat steps 1 though 4 with a second ball of similar size -Click here if you need to go back-
Score slip and put the both edges together Step 6 Score slip and put the both edges together
Step 7 Use your hands or other tools to smooth and shape the surface. Turn it into sculpture or vessel. It needs to have a FACE of some kind!
Dry, fire, glaze, and fire again Step 8-11 Dry, fire, glaze, and fire again
Step 12 Enjoy your pinch pot