What is the Scientific Method? Why do we need it?


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Presentation transcript:

What is the Scientific Method? Why do we need it?

Communicate your Results The Scientific Method Recognize the problem Form a hypothesis Test your hypothesis Analyze your data Draw Conclusions Communicate your Results

1. Recognize the Problem Identify a testable question (tests one variable) that can be investigated. Are these questions testable or not? How many drops of water can a penny hold? Why do things float? Which will fall faster, a bowling ball or feather? Are dogs better pets than cats? Does adding fertilizer to plants make them grow taller?

2. Form a hypothesis State your hypothesis as a predicted answer to the question, what might be a possible outcome of the investigation? Make a prediction Should be an “if, then” statement Examples: If I add ½ cup fertilizer to my plant then it will grow taller than a plant with no fertilizer. If I drop a bowling ball and a feather at the same time then the bowling ball will fall faster.

3. Test your hypothesis Design an experiment to test your hypothesis, controlling all the variables EXCEPT the independent variable (manipulated) Plan for repeated trials. Why? Plan for factors that need to stay the same List your materials needed List your procedure Plan a way to record data

4. Analyze your data Use tables, graphs or charts to figure out what your data means

5. Draw Conclusions Compare your results to the hypothesis you created. Was your hypothesis right? Or wrong? If so, what could you change? Do differently?

6. Communicate your results Share your findings with others Compare results and conclusions Share with descriptions, models, or drawings

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