Kidspiration/Inspiration Software By: Amber Grier (ED 554)
What is Kidspiration? A software program designed especially for primary grade students and their teachers. Its main feature is its use of graphical organizers. It also consists of more than 75 pre-made activities for all main subject areas. (Example: Under Social Studies, You would automatically find a graphic organizer for needs vs. wants, which is a kindergarten social studies lesson.)
Why Use Kidspiration? It makes life easier for both the student and the educator.
For the student it… *Facilitates organization* It automatically transitions the ideas from the student’s graph to the correct written form with the simple “click” of a button. In addition to this, Provides over 1,200 visuals or if the student can not find a particular picture then it allows the student to create their own visuals. Also allows the student to listen to typed words and record their own voices.
For the teacher it… “Cuts down” preparation for lesson activities. Once used to it, is something students can use independently.
Inspiration? Inspiration is basically a more sophisticated version of Kidspiration. Words take the place of some of the visuals. For instance, the task bar has the word topic instead of a picture with a bubble and an arrow. Of course, its graphical organizers are designed for lessons used by secondary education teachers. (i.e. more sophisticated webs and concept maps)
Let’s Take A Brief Look!!