Theresia Niedermüller


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Presentation transcript:

Theresia Niedermüller Application of the Standard Cost Model in Austria: Baseline measurement for citizens Federal Chancellery, 20 October 2009

Project Two elements: Measuring most burdensome IOs using SCM methodology Identifying and implementing “fast track actions” Objectives: Measuring the time and out-of-pocket costs spent per IO Taking into account irritation factors and service quality Creating a list of measures, which can be felt by citizens

Timeline May 2009 May-June 09 Sep-Nov 09 Dec 09 -Feb 10 March 2010 Projectstart Pilot Legal analyses SCM Measurement Adoption of measures Finding measures: Implementing measures April 2010

--> Identification of potential for improvements SCM Measurement (1) Burdens are measured in time (hours) and out-of-pocket-costs (e.g. travel expenses, copy expenses) Measured minutes will be converted into “quality minutes” Integration of qualitative aspects in the questionnaire Phase model No full baseline measurement, BUT prioritised measurement --> Quality minutes as starting points for measures --> Identification of potential for improvements

SCM Measurement (2) Interviews are done by poll-takers Open tendering procedure Costs are about € 112.000 -> less than expected 2.10.: Start with first interviews Biggest challenge at the moment is the organization of/communication with all involved institutions

Latest developments will be updated

-> Identifying potential for measures Analyses by consultants -> Identifying potential for measures Workshops in ministries presenting results of SCM, planning follow-up workshops Finding Measures Follow-up Workshops by life situations, involving interest parties, experts etc. Quality assurance of measures focus groups March 2010: List with measures

Ex-ante measurement 1 September 2009: Obligation to calculate AB for businesses AND citizens of any new draft legislation following general guidelines Targets: more transparency and minimum quality Calculation details on the impact are part of the legislative proposal as well as reasons for necessity and expected advantages Ministry of Finance ensures the correct application of the SCM method Easy tool to use for public servants, available for download on (German only!)

AB Calculator

Thank you for your attention!