I-85 Widening Project MM 98-106 Cherokee County Public Hearing March 14, 2017
PROJECT LIMITS Project Location Map
Corridor History PROJECT HISTORY Late 1920’s 2-lane US29 was constructed which ran from GA through northern SC into NC. Late 1950’s US29 was widened to four lanes, interchanges and slip ramps and designated as I-85. Only limited improvements since designated as I-85 Corridor History
Purpose and Need What does the project do (Purpose)? Reduce the traffic congestion of I-85 Correct elements along the mainline, ramps, and interchanges that contribute to congestion Enhances the safety along the existing facilities Why is the project necessary (Need)? Increase the capacity of interstate because sections of the project will over capacity by the 2040 design year Safety concern with interconnection of interchange ramps and access ramp creating undesirable 2 way movements Safety concern with driveway access points along ramps creating vehicular conflicts Safety concern with intersections spacing along crossing routes creating vehicular conflicts
Interchange Improvements Exit 100 Blacksburg Rd. Exit 102 N. Mountain St..
Interchange Improvements Exit 104 Tribal Rd. Exit 106 US 29 - E. Cherokee St.
Existing Conditions Rolling Terrain with grades as steep as 5% Four lane interstate with grass median for most of the length The existing right‐of‐way is approximately 100 feet to either side of the center line (200 feet total) Four interchanges and 9 major bridge structures, including one railroad bridge
Proposed Project PROJECT PURPOSE Widen I-85 from four lanes to six lanes to increase roadway capacity Interchange Improvements (4 Interchanges) Safety Improvements Eliminate Slip Ramps Improve geometrics
Typical Section
Environmental Justice Applicable Federal Laws FHWA NEPA PROCESS Wetlands Safety Endangered Species Air Quality Parklands Historic Resources Civil Rights Environmental Justice Cultural Resources State & Local Laws Applicable Federal Laws Community Impacts Talking Points: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. Ensures effects of project on human and natural environment are considered Ensures environmental information is available to public before action is taken SCDOT has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) in cooperation with FHWA and US Coast Guard. The NEPA process involves an alternatives analysis where numerous resources are considered, including wetlands, endangered species, and community impacts.
Alternatives Analysis
Exit 100 Preferred Alternative
Exit 102 Preferred Alternative
Exit 104 Preferred Alternative
Exit 106 Preferred Alternative
Environmental Considerations Streams Right-of-Way Business Relocations 5,832LF 82 Acres 11
REMAINING PROJECT MILESTONES Public Hearing Comments March/April 2017 Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) April 2017 Finalize Preliminary Plans Design-Build Contract February 2018 Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition Fall 2018 Begin Construction Winter 2018 Complete Construction Summer 2022 Estimated Preliminary Construction Cost: $261 millions
South Carolina Department of Transportation Comments Your input is very important to us! Please complete comment cards Drop them in the box as you exit, email, or mail them Deadline for comments March 29, 2016 South Carolina Department of Transportation Bradley S. Reynolds, P.E. 955 Park Street PO Box 191 Columbia, SC 29202-0191 Phone: (803) 737-1440 Email: Reynoldsbs@scdot.org