Answering questions about Visual Literacy English 1201 Answering questions about Visual Literacy
Tips for How to answer a 6 point question on visuals Answering Questions
What is the question asking? Using two visual techniques specify and defend a theme for this visual. What is it asking? Two – give two examples Visual Techniques – use proper terminology Specify – provide a properly worded theme statement Defend – explain how the two techniques you have selected help illustrate the theme you have identified.
How am I going to demonstrate that I know what the question is asking? Using two1 visual techniques2 specify3 and defend4 a theme5 for this visual. This question has 5 parts to it! Consider numbering the parts of the question to ensure you cover everything You must answer each portion of the question You must use direct references to the visual
Sample question and answer Theme: tragedy affects the whole family Visual technique #1: black and white photography and the lack of bright colours Visual technique #2: The focal point of the mother Visual technique #3: child on each side = balance Answer: the theme for this photograph would be “tragedy affects the whole family.” this theme is developed through the use of black and white photography (colour) which creates a serious tone to the subject. Secondly, the focal point of the mother who has a look of sadness or devastation on her face illustrates that mothers often exemplify the effects of tragedies that affect their families. Furthermore, the use of balance with a child on either side of the mother reinforces the family aspect of the theme. Therefore, the use of colour, focal point, and balance illustrate the theme that “tragedy affects the whole family.” Using two visual techniques specify and defend a theme for this visual.
Assignment: answer the questions below one of these visuals
What is the focal point in this visual, and how is it created What is the focal point in this visual, and how is it created. Explain your answer using reference to two visual elements. Who is the target audience? Support your answer with two references to elements from the visual. What overall purpose does the visual serve? Support your answer with two references to the image. What is the overall significance of the title? Prove using two references to the visual. What is the mood created in this visual. Explain your answer with two references to the visual. What is the dominant impression created in this visual. Explain your answer with two references to the visual. 7. What is the main message of this piece? Discuss using two references to the visual.
General tips If there is any text present in the visual pay attention to it. Read the question(s) carefully Jot note some of the points you need to include in your answer Check to see that you have identified and covered all parts of the question If a theme question is asked be sure to properly state the theme in a statement – one word won’t cut it! Questions on mood and tone require you to specify a particular word to identify the feeling being expressed! Questions on mood require you to link your answer to yourself Questions on tone require you to link your answer to the artist