Monday, September 19, 2011 Objectives: R.9.8.1 – Use prior knowledge R.10.8.5 – skimming, scanning as study strategies R.11.8.5 - use context clues to determine meaning of multiple meaning words R.11.8.10 – use context to determine meaning of words Presentation/Technology SLEs Essential questions – How will developing a better vocabulary improve reading? How does an author develop characters in a story?
Monday, September 19, 2011 AGENDA WN: "Did it ever come out your nose? Write about a true memory that involves milk.“ Bio-Poems DUE TODAY! Begin reading Chapter 3 of The Outsiders in class Complete study guide as we read
Monday, Sept. 19, 2011- PRE-AP AGENDA WN: "Did it ever come out your nose? Write about a true memory that involves milk.“ Chapters 3&4 Study Guide Due Tues.- Test Thursday Computer Lab today to work on Characterization Presentation with partner – due Wed.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011- AGENDA Objectives: IR.12.8.3 – Use print and electronic sources independently to locate information IR.12.8.4 – Gather information from more than one type of source (Internet, notes, etc.) Essential questions: What information can I gather from an Internet source/website about an author?
Tuesday, Sept. 20th, 2011 - AGENDA WN: "Who'd talk the most? Pretend three four sentence types--Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory--were people. Write an imaginary scene between them.” Library Day AR deadline is October 13th *PreAP 4th & 8th – Ch. 3&4 Study Guide Due today (Test Thursday)
R.10.8.5 – skimming, scanning as study strategies Presentation SLE Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Objectives: R.9.8.1 – Use prior knowledge R.10.8.5 – skimming, scanning as study strategies Presentation SLE Essential questions – How does an author develop characters in a story?
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 AGENDA WN: "Why wasn't it first on your list? List five or six of your pet peeves. Write about one of the later peeves on your list." Read Ch. 3 & 4 – complete study guide as we read in class Test Friday over Ch. 3&4
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 PreAP AGENDA WN: "Why wasn't it first on your list? List five or six of your pet peeves. Write about one of the later peeves on your list." – Presentations of Characters Review study guide for Test tomorrow over Ch 3 & 4 Discuss symbolism, allusions, metaphors operating in text Symbolism Lesson and Bookmark Activity (if time available)
Thursday, September 22, 2011 Objectives: Assessment of reading comprehension and analysis Essential Questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? Can referring to another text influence the reader? What literary terms are operating in the text?
Thursday, September 22, 2011 English AGENDA WN: "What do childhood rhymes even mean? Write something that includes a rhyme you used to sing or say when you were a child." Finish reading of Ch. 3&4 – and then review study guide Discuss symbolism, allusions, metaphors operating in text Test tomorrow over Ch. 3&4
Thursday, September 22, 2011 English AGENDA WN: "What do childhood rhymes even mean? Write something that includes a rhyme you used to sing or say when you were a child.“ *PreAP 4th & 8th – Test Today over Ch. 3&4 Begin reading Chapters 5&6 of The Outsiders – complete study guide as you read
Friday, September 23, 2011 Objectives: Infer the literal and figurative meanings of phrases in text (R.11.8.8) Essential Questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? Can referring to another text influence the reader? Writer’s Notebook Idea: Do cliques exist in your school? Why do certain people hang out together? Common interests?
Friday, September 23, 2011 - AGENDA WN: Do cliques exist in our school? Why do certain people hang out together? Test Today over Ch. 3&4 of The Outsiders Read AR when finished with writing prompt Symbolism Lesson and Book Mark Activity
Friday, Sept. 23, 2011 – PreAP AGENDA WN: Do cliques exist in your school? Why do certain people hang out together? Common interests? Symbolism Lesson and Book Mark Activity Bookmark DUE Monday Read Ch. 5&6 by Tuesday – Test on Wed.