DHHS rev DHHS Time Webinar for 5/26/2010 Conference Number(s): Participant Code:
DHHS rev Time Content for 5/19… 1. How to provide BEST with appropriate information when turning in Tickets. 2. Tips and Tricks for IF and WHEN you have to do a Time/Leave audit (yuck!) Will be rescheduled to another date given the importance of correcting Adverse Weather balances.
DHHS rev Agenda Leave Of Absence Processing: –1. The decision to enter the Action or not and how to account for time if the Action is not entered. –2. What to do if the employee has returned to work. –3. Making changes to time AFTER the LOA Action has been entered into SAP. We will also ask for feedback on scheduling future Time meetings.
The Problem Management doesnt notify HR in a timely manner. Leave of Absence (LOA) and Reinstatement Actions as a result are run later than ideal. Time Entry for returning to work causes Time Errors. These stop Time Evaluation and the processing of time. No pay for OT/Shift. Changes to Time Entry causes Transfer Errors. These occur when there are two time entries for the same amount on the same day and the system does not know which one is correct.
DHHS rev The goals for now… To reduce the number of errors that are the result of Time Worked being keyed while the employee has not yet been Reinstated. To reduce the number of changes to time entry while the employee is on an LOA. To reduce the amount of time you spend in correcting errors.
DHHS rev The goals for later… To increase manager and employee responsibility in providing timely information to HR. To educate managers and employees on entry of time after coming off a Leave of Absence.
Reasons why time entry is changed Voluntary Shared Leave (VSL) replaces Leave Without Pay (LWOP) when VSL is approved and collected. Leave time recorded on an irregular schedule (ex. 4x10) must be changed to a 5x8 schedule. Managers approve mistakes by employees in MSS/ESS or on timesheets.
DHHS rev Changing time entry however is more involved when that time is covered by a Leave of Absence. The BEACON SAP system locks out time entry and to correct it, requires a sequential set of events.
DHHS rev If PTFMLA is used to track an absence, the dates of the Absence must be unchecked. 2.Time in IT2001 must be deleted. 3.Time Evaluation runs overnight to update 4.The correct time entry now is entered either in CAT2 or in IT Time Evaluation runs overnight and is checked the next day. 6.In PTFMLA, the Absences are then rechecked.
Has the employee returned to work? Complete time entry for the month and change IT0007 to DO1NO8GN for period of intended LOA. Has LOA Action been processed? Is it Past Payroll Initialization? Process LOA Action YesDo not process LOA Action Process LOA and Reinstatement Actions Process LOA and Reinstatement after Payroll Finalization YesNo Yes Contact Coordinator to discuss timeline for processing Reinstatement Action Decision Flow on whether or not to process an LOA/Reinstatement Action in BEACON SAP. Start
Recommendations for Timekeepers Do not enter time for employees out on LOA until after the Reinstatement has been processed. It will not process! Do not make changes to time entry for employees time covered by an LOA until you have first contacted HR. (To uncheck PTFMLA or to delete time entry in IT2001.) Exhaust Leave in increments of the OT Period (typically a week.) Check for liabilities owed first!
Recommendations for HR Provide Timekeeping with list of employees out on LOA. Notify Timekeeping when an employees Reinstatement has been entered. Discuss with Timekeeping any changes for time covered by LOAs and ensure that the old record is deleted, Time Evaluation runs overnight, before entering new time. Check for liabilities owed first!
DHHS rev Thoughts, Questions, Feedback?
For HR Regarding Reinstatements Return from LOA… Not all the Infotypes are populating when running the Action and therefore are being overlooked. IF a return involves a change in hours, please contact Central HR. Some situations may require a subsequent Appointment Change Action!