Aim: Analyze the Impact of Luther’s Religious Revolt
The Response to Luther Luther was astonished at how his ideas spread and attract followers Many unhappy with Church for political and economic reasons The Pope’s Threat As Luther’s ideas became more popular, Pope realized Luther was serious threat 1520: Pope Leo X issued decree threatening Luther with Excommunication unless he take back statements Luther burns decree Leo excommunicated Luther 2
The Emperor’s Opposition 1521: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V summons Luther to town of Worms to stand trial and take back statements Luther Refuses Charles issued Edicts of Worms Imperial order declared Luther an outlaw and heretic 1522- Luther returned to Wittenberg Discovered that many of his ideas were put into practice Luther and his followers became separate religious group: The Lutherans 3
The Peasants Revolt People began to apply Luther’s revolutionary ideas 1524: Germans peasants demanded end to serfdom Bands of angry peasants raided monasteries, pillaged, and burned Revolt horrified Luther Wrote pamphlet urging German princes to show peasants no mercy 4
Germany at War Many northern German princes supported Lutheranism Some princes did not support Luther Some princes saw his teachings as a good excuse to seize church property and assert independence from Charles V 1529: Princes who supported Luther came to be known as Protestants Term Protestant was applied to Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches 5