rationale Reflecting on my progress over the course so far I have done and learnt so much, From stop frame animation to Foley sounds. I have created experimental films in which I learnt that you can do anything and not just stick to the tracks. Re-creating a scene was amazing as I learnt loads of unusual camera shots which I will be using in this final piece. I have created corporate videos in which I gained loads of confidence which I now use daily. I gained cutting and mixing skills thanks to my year 1 final piece, I will be making my own music for this final piece. All of the units I have done over the course of these 2 years I will use and develop, I have learnt to much to say and type but trust me I am not the same when it comes to media as I was 2 years ago.
Project concept Bullying is a huge part in any primary school and secondary school, My final piece is a short inspirational film based upon a young girl, it is her first day at this big school, she is being shown round the school by this popular girl, as she is being shown round everyone in the classrooms realises she is very different in appearance, thus laughs at her. This is clearly shown in my video with help from theatre masks, All my characters will be wearing these drama masks, I got this idea thanks to the short film INSPIRATION. Each student will either be wearing a blue mask or pink mask judging on gender, but this new girl is wearing a beautiful mask. I am not to sure what the ending to this film should be yet but I will develop this further. I can relate closely to this subject as bullying was big in my younger years, so I can put real life experiences and feeling into this film.
Evaluation I will be evaluating this project via different means, Every day I will be updating a journal including my thinking and evaluating what I have done and why I chose those ideas. Weekly I will be creating a end of week v-log explaining clearly what I done during that week. At the end of the whole project I will do a huge final written evaluation.
Production schedule This schedule is very brief and not specific enough so I will be creating a day by day one soon, I also have an app on my phone which I use for organising my self. Shot designer.
Research Alfred Hichcock – I studied his cinematography and camera angles and movements. He created film in a time when colour was not an option so his use of black whites and greys are enormously visual! I will be creating a dark almost black and white short film so studying him is crucial to creating my film, the way he uses lights to make things stand out of a dark image.