Nature Detectives Class 3 ART In art we will be sketching, looking at silhouettes and exploring the art of Georgia O’Keefe. GEOGRAPHY We will be studying maps and mapping skills. We will also be studying deserts. SCIENCE In science we will be learning about plants and their requirements for growth and life cycles. P.E This half term we will be developing our water confidence and swimming skills. This will be on Wednesday afternoons. Tuesday is our other PE day and will be lead by Premiere Sport. Nature Detectives Class 3 FRENCH In French we will be learning basic vocabulary to do with birthdays and parties. LITERACY This half term a lot of our literacy work will be focused on our topic. We will be writing adventure stories and poetry. There will also be regular reading sessions based on and Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. There will continue to be weekly spelling sessions. MATHS Our maths work will focus on statistics, measurements and fractions. We will also be regularly practising our times table and mental maths skills. ICT We will be using stop frame animation to create moving images.