Attitude Resistance
Intro -A huge issue when talking about reducing prejudice and discrimination is psychological resistance -People resist change -So, what is the best method to reduce and overcome resistance?
Previous methods -Counter-stereotypical exemplar -Imagined contact -Group malleability
Entertaining Narratives -Recent literature on belief and attitude change focuses on the use of narratives -Works in several ways such as: - Reducing perceptions of persuasive attempt - fostering parasocial interactions
Current study Participants will be randomly assigned to one of 5 conditions counter-stereotypical exemplar, group malleability, imagined contact, entertaining narrative, control Following their activity, the participants will answer a few prejudice measures Participants will then be asked a series of think aloud questions to be transcribed at a later time
Think Aloud Questions 1) How are you? 2) How did performing the task go? 3) What do you think the task was about? 4) How did watching the video/completing the task make you feel? 5) What was your reaction to the video/task? 6) Is there anything in the video/task that concerns you? 7) What were any thoughts you had during the video/task? 8) Can you describe the video/task for me? 9) Was there anything about the video/task that was either confusing or frustrating 10) What did you take away from the video/task? 11) Was there anything about the task/video that you liked?
Issues First, the IRB Second, the IRB Last but not least, the IRB