My body now: Menstruation I understand my own body’s uniqueness, my developing sexuality, and that of others. HWB 3-47a
Menstruation is also called a period Menstruation is also called a period. It happens when a girl’s body gets ready to be pregnant and have a baby. Of course, this is something that a girl does when she is grown-up, but the girl’s body is preparing for when this might happen. The girls period usually happens once a month. During her period a girl has some blood that comes out of her vagina. When a girl has her period, she will wear a sanitary towel or tampon, this captures the blood.
This is the order that things happen when a girl has a period When a baby girl is born she has all the eggs she will ever need already in her ovaries. In the ovaries there are thousands of eggs. Some are as small as a grain of sand. A woman will release 400 to 500 eggs in her lifetime. Most of these eggs will not be fertilised and pass out of the body through the vagina when the woman has her period. A girl will reach puberty in primary school or later in secondary school, this can happen from around age 9 to around age 15. At this time, a girl’s eggs will mature and she will produce an egg every month. This is released at ovulation into the fallopian tube where it waits before travelling to the uterus. Every month the uterus prepares to receive a fertilised egg. If the egg is fertilised it will plant itself in the uterus and stay there and usually grow into a baby. Most of the time the egg is not fertilised, instead it breaks down while it is in the uterus and mixes with some extra blood and fluid in the soft lining of the uterus. As this soft lining is not needed it dissolves and passes out of the uterus, through the vagina and out the body as a period. On average the amount of blood in a period is a few tablespoons. It can be a bit more of a brown colour than red looking to start with. To soak up the flow a girl uses sanitary products, these can be pads that are worn in the pants to soak up the flow or tampons which are inserted into the vagina. During her period a girl can feel that it is a bit painful or uncomfortable. Having a period can also make a girl feel a little moody or emotional. A girl might be a bit worried when her first period comes. It’s okay to feel this way and it’s good to talk with a trusted adult about any worries or questions. A girl can still do anything she wants to do when she is having her period. No matter how well prepared she is, a girl’s first period can feel scary and exciting. Most girls feel it is the biggest change of puberty.
Film: Talking periods (duration 4mins)
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What questions do you have about menstruation (periods) or your body or body changes with puberty?