HOW TO USE THE ONLINE BRIEFING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION HOW TO USE THE ONLINE BRIEFING SYSTEM Hello and Welcome to the online pre joining briefing system. This video is a guide on how to use the web based system.
www. wmtc-online. com takes you to the page as shown below takes you to the page as shown below. This is where you log in. You have already seen the pre-joining briefing system home page as shown. Through this page you log into your account.
On login, you will see your personal home page Upon login, you will enter your own home page which looks like this.
Your personal home page has the following elements The New Development section contains the latest company updates The Company information is divided into 2 Modules. Each modules is divided into topics. Your home page has the following: The Company information which is divided into 2 Modules. Each modules has various topics. The Assessment just below the modules contains questions on Module 1 and 2. It is only activated after the user finishes the modules The briefing notes contain the latest company updates The company organization explains the Wallem structure The assessment below the briefing notes contains questions on the New Developments This assessment contains questions on the New Developments The Assessment contains questions on Module 1 and 2. It is only activated after the user finishes the modules
To successfully complete briefing, you need to complete all topics under Module 1 and 2, assessment on the modules, study company organization, briefing notes and appear for the assessment that follows the briefing notes. To successfully complete briefing, you need to complete all topics under Module 1 and 2, assessment on the modules, study briefing notes and appear for the assessment that follows the briefing notes.
On clicking on Module 1, the page as shown below appears On clicking on Module 1, the page as shown below appears. Module 1 contains 4 topics On clicking on Module 1, a page appears which shows all the topics under module 1. As you can see, Module 1 has 4 topics.
Click on a topic to study Click on a topic to study. (The topic selected below for sample is True North Philosophy from Module 1) You may select any topic to study. The topics are in the form of presentations.
Find following options while studying the topic.. Click on the play button to move to next slide View full screen Click on back button to go on previous slide You will find buttons below the presentation that will make your studying process easier: A button to move to the next slide Button to move to previous slide Button for volume adjustment Button for full screen view. Set Volume
Once the topic is over, click on the exit button Once the topic is over, click on the exit button. A dialogue box will appear like this Once you finish studying a topic, click on the finish button on the top left. A dialogue box will appear as shown. Click on the desired option from the dialogue box. The module will be considered finished only when option 2 is selected. The button ‘home’ on the top right takes you to your home page. Click on the desired option from the dialogue box. The module will be considered finish only when option 2 is selected. Likewise ‘finishing all modules only will activate the assessment’. You may choose any option and click on option 2 after studying the module again
On clicking on Module 2, the page as shown below appears On clicking on Module 2, the page as shown below appears. Module 2 contains 3 topics Similarly, you are required to study all topics under module 1 and 2 and finish them. The page that you see now appears after you click on the button module 2 that appears on your home page. As you can see, module 2 has 3 topics.
After ‘finishing’ all topics from both the modules, the test will be activated. Appear for the test which is in MCQ format After finishing all topics from both the modules, you will see the assessment activated on your home page. Click on the button assessment. Your assessment which is in MCQ format will start
A dialogue box will appear stating if your score is above or below the minimum acceptable criteria. If below, go through the modules again and appear for the test. After you finish the assessment, A dialogue box will appear stating if your score is above or below the minimum acceptable criteria. If below, you are required to through the modules again and appear for the test.
If score is above the criteria, go through the company organization and briefing notes (available on the home page) If score is above the above the criteria, you may now go back to your home page and can click on the button ‘company organization’ to view a presentation about the Wallem organization. The presentation can be studied in the same way as you studied the modules. You can also access the briefing notes by clicking on the button ‘briefing notes’.
The briefing notes are available in pdf formats which can be downloaded and studied
After studying the briefing notes, a short assessment on the notes is available on the home page After studying the briefing notes, a short assessment on the notes is available on your home page.
This assessment is of short answer type This assessment is of short answer type. Write your answers for all questions in no more than 500 characters This assessment has questions of short answer type. You are required to write your answers for all questions in no more than 500 characters
After completing the briefing modules, notes, test and the assessment successfully, please wait for a mail from your company for approval for joining the ship. After completing the briefing modules, notes, test and the assessment successfully, please wait for a mail from your company for approval for joining the ship.
Thank You Thank you