Parents Information Meeting Stackpole Parents Information Meeting
Where are the children going? Stackpole is in Pembrokeshire, almost as far West as you can go along top south of Wales. We go along to M4 and then on local roads. We are using a local Welsh coach company that we use most years, who know the local roads well. Do allow a few sweets on the coach but please small quantities. They get very high if they have large amounts of E numbers! Stop on the way for a break. Please send water and can have a snack. Do not need much as lunch will be provided when we get there. Over here!
What is Stackpole? A National Trust estate of woodland, farmland and coast based around the Bosherston Lily Ponds The Stackpole Centre hosts year-round school visits and employs full-time, qualified Activity Instructors. Speenhamland have been regulars for years!
What is the accommodation like? The Stackpole Centre is a purpose built centre refurbished. Which has been graded as a 4 Star Activity Accommodation by the Wales Tourist Board. Downstairs there is a lounge area, a dining room, a enclosed courtyard, downstairs bedrooms and bathrooms. Upstairs there more bedrooms and bathrooms, Accommodation is simple : welcoming, colourful and comfortable.
And the bedrooms? The bedrooms take between 4 and 8 children in single or bunk beds. Children will share a room with at least 1 of their friends. There are staff rooms along the corridors so there is always an adult close by. Stackpole staff inspect empty rooms after breakfast every day to check for tidiness!
What is the food like? Plenty of it! Tried and tested dishes. Home-cooked with fresh, local ingredients Children encouraged to try everything Special diets are catered for - but make sure we know what they are Good manners expected Children clean & tidy up after themselves
What activities will we do? Rock-pooling at nearby beaches Rock climbing in a specially adapted former quarry Kayaking – Stackpole Quay Exploring woods Environmental work and conservation Orienteering Mountain bikes Coast steering
What activities do the children do? Beach studies Barafundle Beach – voted Britain’s Best Beach in 2005
The only way is up!!
Is it all safe? Stackpole is inspected for safety by the government’s Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS). Instructors have the relevant qualified status for all activities. Stackpole operates a robust system of risk analysis and management, which includes risk assessments for all activities led by the National Trust Staff. We have always been impressed by the high standards of safety & security.
John Muir Award Stackpole is committed to Environmental Education and is an Eco-school They offer a special award for children who take part in an environmental project. This involves exploring a wild place, and helping to conserve it. More information at
A typical day Wake, wash and breakfast at 08.30 Coastal walk Back for lunch or packed lunch out Rock climbing Evening meal Orienteering Diary writing Bed at 21.00
What don’t they need? Mobile phones Electronic games and toys Sweets Make-up More than £10 spending money
What do they gain? Specific educational knowledge and skills A chance to be away from families and cope on their own, but in a supportive environment A chance to grow and develop themselves Encouragement and support from adults Respect for the natural world Memories to last forever!
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