Jeff Held SDSU Extension Sheep Specialist Lambing Time Tips Jeff Held SDSU Extension Sheep Specialist
Lambing Time Success Review last years production records % lamb crop % lamb crop weaned and marketed # of open ewes-non-breeders, abortions, ketosis Pre-lambing vaccination program Clostridium perf. Type C, D (T) Booster against abortion diseases Feed additives to reduce abortions
Facility Management Pens Pregnant ewes Drop area- temp buffer Lambing pens- 4’x 5’, 5’x5’ Grouping pens for ewe and lamb families TLC areas
Pre-lambing Flock Care Shear ewes 2 to 4 weeks before lambing season Assess ewe nutritional needs Manage pregnant mature and ewe lambs separately Set up lambing facility and check supplies
Baby Lamb Care Colostrum intake is essential approx. 2oz. Per lb of body weight in lst 24 hr Clip and dip navel 7% iodine Identify with eartags and/or paint Administer Vit E soon after birth Keep family in lambing jug for 2-3 days
Improving Baby Lamb Survival In the US nearly 20 % of lambs are lost before weaning - 80 % of losses occur in the 1st 10 days Major causes include: Starvation Hypothermia Scours Injury