Hobbies and Leisure
Hobby = entertainment and fun = no work = relaxation = enthusiasm = spare-time activity = pastime
Types Physical activities, sports, ball games, camping, hiking, fishing Reading books, magazines Watching TV, videos, DVDs Browsing the net, surfing, chatting Playing board games (chess, scrabbles), cards, darts, snooker, pool
Manual work, gardening, repairing Arts and crafts Collecting (stamps, postcards, badges, model cars, coins, beatles, bottles, antiques, minerals, ...) Manual work, gardening, repairing Arts and crafts sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery pottery
Where are the people. What are they doing. Why are they doing it Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? How do they feel? What are they like? What kind of hobbies are shown (cultural, sport, intellectual)?
Where are the people. What are they doing. Why are they doing it Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? How do they feel? What are they like? What kind of hobbies are shown (cultural, sport, intellectual)?
Where are the people. What are they doing. Why are they doing it Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? How do they feel? What are they like? What kind of hobbies are shown (cultural, sport, intellectual)?
Where are the people. What are they doing. Why are they doing it Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? How do they feel? What are they like? What kind of hobbies are shown (cultural, sport, intellectual)?