Retail Market Assurance Services for the Irish Electricity Market Peter Varley IGG 27th June 2012
Assurance Activity Update Business As Usual (RMDS) Assurance Process Document Third review comments from RMDS received Final draft compiled and being reviewed by RMDS Expect it to be ready for next IGG
Assurance Activity Update Harmonisation (HRDS) PQ Most questionnaires received but some still awaited IPTs have been prioritised and streamed scenarios and evidence requirements have been written individual Supplier Packs are being prepared Supplier test slots planned
Assurance Activity Update Harmonisation (HRDS) Proposed Go/No-go criteria (for discussion): No major issues raised at ESBN site visit(s) All No major issues arising at EMMA/Webforms commissioning All Priority 1 scenarios successfully completed for all Large Suppliers If criteria not met CER take advice and then determine whether to go/no-go
IPT Streaming – Large Suppliers, TSO IPT Number HSP Changes Grouping MM Trigger Target MM Title Priority ESB Networks, Large Suppliers, TSO IPT001 BAU 030 332 Successful meter works - Change of Meter Configuration 1 IPT002 New Message 017 131 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - not resched - Refused Access (DN05) IPT003 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - Rescheduled - snag customer fault (R002) IPT004 NPA Re-energise (W203) - fail - not resched -Safety Problem (RE04) IPT005 Change to MCC (W306) - fail - no access - resched (R001) IPT006 260 RP Inspection Visit (W402) - fail - missed appointment ESB fault (R008) IPT007 Non-RoI MPRN 010 102R CoS registration of NI MPRN 3 IPT008 013 014R CoCD for NI MPRN IPT009 210 303R Supplier provides customer reading for NI MPRN IPT010a CSSNs CoS Add 1 SN 2 IPT010b CoS Add 2 SNs IPT011a 016 CoLE Add 1 SN IPT011b CoLE Add 2 SNs IPT011c CoLE Add 4 SNs IPT012a Energise Add 1 SN - successful so no MM131 IPT012b Energise Add 7 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT013a De-Energise add 5 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT013b De-Energise add 6 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT014a 101 N/C with 1 SN IPT014b N/C with 3 SNs IPT015, incl in IPT010 105 Included in CoS above IPT016a CoCD delete 1 CSSN IPT016b CoCD delete 3 CSSNs IPT017 CoCD delete all CSSNs IPT018a CoCD add 1 CSSN IPT018b CoCD add 2 CSSNs IPT018c CoCD add 5 CSSNs
IPT Streaming – Small Suppliers IPT Number HSP Changes Grouping MM Trigger Target MM Title Priority ESB Networks, Small Suppliers IPT030a Webforms - CSSNs 013 CoCD add 2 CSSNs 1 IPT030b CoCD delete 1 CSSNs IPT031 Webforms -New Msg 131 017 131 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - not resched - Refused Access (DN05) IPT030 Webforms 10 N/A Simple NQH CoS Gain/Loss (2 small suppliers) 3 Simple QH CoS Gain/Loss (2 small suppliers) IPT032 NQH Cos with Objection (2 small suppliers) IPT033 QH Cos with Objection (2 small suppliers) IPT034 13 CoCD IPT035 16 CoLE IPT036 017/210 De-energise IPT037 17 Re-energise IPT038 30 Change to Meter Configuration IPT039 New Connection NQH IPT040 New Connection QH IPT041-NEW
IPT scenario definition Script Name: IPT005 Unsuccessful Change to Meter Configuration Code Test objectives: The Supplier receives and correctly interprets the requested Meter Works Status from the new market message, MM131. Participant roles under test: Supplier, ESB Networks Participant roles requiring simulation: None. Initial Conditions: The Metering Point is registered to the Supplier with all Registration Data items set; The Metering Point is currently energised; The Supplier has a recorded history for the Metering Point; and The Supplier has retained evidence of all of the above. The Scenario: The Supplier requests a change of Meter configuration code by submitting a meter works (MM030) request, with no CoLE to ESB Networks Central Market Systems; ESB Networks validates the meter configuration is from the standard set and that both the meter work request and appointment date are valid and that all permits and requisite requirements to perform the meter works are in place. ESB Networks is unable to perform the change as they are unable to access the customer’s site; ESB Networks reschedules the visit, updates their records, and informs the Supplier via relevant market message (MM131). Test Ends Final Conditions: The requested Meter Configuration Code change is not performed; The Supplier receives the new MM131 (Work Type W103 and Outcome Reason (R001)) informing them of the status of their requested meter works; and The Supplier processes the new MM131 according to their business processes.
IPT Evidence Required IPT027 ESB Networks sends sample of daily MM342s to Suppliers, TSO and applicable Generators 1. Receipt of MM342 by Supplier; 2. Recognition by BGE of: IntervalStatusCode, IntervalValue, and NetActiveDemandValue 3. "Sxx" (SupplierID) be recipient ID 1. XML of MM342 received by Supplier for sample of 3 MPRNs; and 2. Evidence that interval data has been correctly processed by Supplier IPT022 Supplier requests change of UnM Group characteristics which is withdrawn due to incorrect incorrect estimation BGE withdraws initial request Change of Unmetered Group (UM010_CoG.doc) due to incorrect estimation. 1. Screen print of withdrawal of UM010_CoG sent; 2. XML of 700 (received); 3. XML of 700W (received); and 3. Evidence of interpretation of PSOExemptionFlag IPT011b Change of Legal Entity - Add 2 Customer Services Special Needs BGE submits multiple Customer Services Special Needs requirement on a Change of Legal Entity (MM016) request. 1. XML of MM016 (sent); and 2. XML of CoLE Confirmation (MM116) (received); and 3. Screen print / confirmation of the interpreted confirmation in the Supplier's internal systems. IPT028 Supplier provides customer reading with the meter serial number 1. BGE submits an invalid Customer Reading (MM210) including the Serial Number which is now required for validation; 2. BGE receives the Validated Reading (MM300) 1. XML of MM210 (sent); 2. XML of Vlaidated Read (MM300) (received); IPT042 Readings Processing - Non QH The Supplier receives and process their standard NQH reads using their normal business processes as per business as usual (BAU). XML of sample of three received reads ((MM300)
Questions & Discussion