Quick Review: 11.1 “The Call to Arms”


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Presentation transcript:

Quick Review: 11.1 “The Call to Arms” “Border States” Slave states that didn’t secede Each side had advantages: North - MORE soldiers, $, supplies… South - better generals, motivation Strategies: North - surround, invade, capture Richmond South - defend, get help Soldier’s life wasn’t easy Lessons from Bull Run The war will be long and BLOODY

Chapter 11, Section 2 Early Years of the War p. 392-397 The early years of the war are indecisive, as neither side seems able to defeat the other.

New Technology in the War Main Idea: The use of new weapons forces commanders to rethink their tactics. Ironclads: warships covered with protective iron plates Ends the age of the wooden war ship – FOREVER! New percussion cap rifles firing conical bullets. Rifled barrels & conical bullets (Minie balls) can shoot farther & more accurately Artillery: Canister Shot turns cannons into giant shotguns Can wipe out a whole line of men with ONE shot Ironclads: Monitor vs. Virginia Conical Bullet “Minie ball” Artillery: Canister Shot

“Technology had out-paced the tactics.” Study Guide Question: “Technology had out-paced the tactics.” What does this quote mean? Think about: What technology? What tactics? What was the result of new, improved weapons and out-dated tactics? DEATH CASUALTIES

Fallen Confederate Soldier at the Battle of Antietam High War Casualties casualties – military term for persons killed, wounded, or missing in action High Death Toll due to more accurate & deadly weapons Death also due to Diseases Unsanitary camp conditions Poor diet for soldiers Unclean water Surgical instruments NOT disinfected “Unknown Soldier” Fallen Confederate Soldier at the Battle of Antietam Now let’s meet the generals…

“Little Mac”: the Young Napoleon George B. McClellan Lincolns’ 1st General - Was his 3rd choice - Commands the Army of the Potomac – over 100,000 men - Orders: “Capture Richmond” Great organizer & administrator, but reluctant warrior (too cautious!) Loved by his men! Frustrates Lincoln in every battle Why? Moves his 100,000 troops into Virginia in March 1862 To face the “Gray Fox”…. “Little Mac”: the Young Napoleon (only 34 years old)

Robert E. Lee “The Gray Fox” From Virginia, son of “Light-Horse” Harry Lee - Stellar career at West Point Makes name for himself in Mexican/American War, under Winfield Scott - Doesn’t believe in secession Refuses Lincoln’s offer to command the Union Army Why? After Ft. Sumter, C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis makes Lee his top general June 1862 - Lee named commanding general of the Army of Northern Virginia Col. Robert E. Lee (before the Civil War) General Robert E. Lee 1807-1870

Main Idea: Each side suffers setbacks in the East, in 1862. The War in the East Main Idea: Each side suffers setbacks in the East, in 1862. Battle of the Seven Days: June 25 – July 1, 1862 Culmination of “The Peninsula Campaign” Union Army outnumbers Confederates: 100,000 to 15,000 Cautious McClellan continually asks for reinforcements Finally attacks Lee’s smaller army outside of Richmond Union Army soundly defeated They’ll meet again a few months later in Maryland, at Antietam Meanwhile, in the West…. “Little Mac” vs. “The Gray Fox”

General Ulysses S. Grant The War in the West Main Idea: In the West, Union forces seize control of most of the Mississippi River in 1862. Grant is the man in the West Mission: Capture & Control the Mississippi River Captures Fort Henry 10 days later, takes Ft. Donelson - Earns nickname “Unconditional Surrender” Grant Grant & Sherman team up at the Battle of Shiloh (see p. 396-397) Loses over 13,000 men South loses 11,000 North wins the battle Grant isn’t afraid of heavy losses -as long as the Union gains Victory! http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/american-civil-war-history/videos/the-battle-of-shiloh General Ulysses S. Grant

“Damn the torpedoes!” Part 2 of the Anaconda Plan – Take control of the Mississippi River 2 weeks after Grant’s victory at Shiloh David Farragut And the battle of New Orleans

The Difference between East & West The “Western Theater” is mostly for control of the Mississippi River Shiloh Vicksburg New Orleans Most battles in the “Eastern Theater” are in or near Virginia Bull Run “Peninsula Campaign” Richmond Antietam p. 394

Lincoln’s (Incompetent) Generals Between 1861 and 1863 Lincoln is plagued by a series of timid & incompetent generals. George McClellan Ambrose Burnside Joseph Hooker George Meade “Little Mac” Burnside “Fighting Joe” Meade

Battle of Antietam - September 17, 1862 Lee’s first attack of the North Attempts to capture northern railroads & supply lines McClellan must defend Bloodiest Single Day battle in American history Approx. 23,000 casualties Lee retreats, leaves field to McClellan (he had Lee’s plans!) McClellan doesn’t pursue Lincoln uses Union “victory” to issue the Emancipation Proclamation More on Antietam video… Known as the Battle of Sharpsburg (Maryland) in the South