Wednesday 6th June- 6.30pm at the School PTA Newsletter St Joseph’s RC Primary School – Summer 2018 Next PTA Meeting Wednesday 6th June- 6.30pm at the School UPCOMING EVENT KIDS MOVIE NIGHT £4.00 PER TICKET (PRICE INLUDES PIZZA, POPCORN AND DRINK) PAYMENT VIA PARENT PAY BY FRIDAY 11TH MAY KS1 – TUESDAY 22ND MAY – 3.30PM – 5.30PM THE PTA PRESENT - KS 2 – TUESDAY 24TH MAY – 3.30PM – 5.30PM THE PTA PRSENT - This year we are supporting the school by raising money for outdoor play equipment following the refurbishment - 0ur target is £5000. £5000 £4000 £3000 £2000 £1000 Upcoming Events Saturday 1st July—PTA Summer Fayre—12.00pm—2.00pm—please see additional Flyer Summer Disco—Tuesday 11th July—KS1 6pm—7pm—KS2 7.25pm—815pm—tickets details to follow soon Also look out for - The return of Freeze Pop Fridays !!!!
Who’s who St Josephs PTA Forthcoming Events Sutton Fun Run – St Joseph’s Team – raising money for 2 different charities – Thank you to everyone who has signed up for this so far – more willing runners are most welcome Dates for your Diary – Summer Disco – Tuesday 10th July – details tbc Summer Fayre – Friday 29th June – 5pm – 8pm – exciting stalls, inflatables, bar and hot food – keep an eye for further details soon Chair - Vince Tierney Vice Chair - Carmel Coen Treasurer – Paul Spiby Secretary – Amy Bibb Year Reps FY – Laura Taylor/Sarah Myers Y1 - Sharon Meanley/Georgette Foster-Bell Y2 - Jo Knight/Nicola Kelly Y3 - Carmel Coen/Anna Crowther Y4 - Nikki Houghton-Thompson Y5 - Clare Wiseman Y6 - Jo Knight/Karin Brady MESSAGE BOARD Please like and share the PTA Facebook page for notifications and reminders on all PTA events. Search - St Joseph's PTA Sutton The PTA welcomes feedback so please pass on your thoughts and ideas for future events by either speaking to your year rep, completing the slip below or messaging the PTA Facebook page. Please see a PTA member/Year Rep for further details or contact Vince on 07834 534883 or