Dystopia Day 11
Your phone is already put away When you enter class… Your phone is already put away Grab handouts from the front of the room. Staple your rubric to the back of your paper.
Grammar Test Review Discuss the questions with your neighbors. Where can you improve? Grammar Test 1 Re-take Wednesday 10/17 at 9:30 Must complete entry ticket (practice test) Maximum score on re-take: 12/15
I’ll be gone next class.
I’ll be at Disneyland
Today Warm-up: Grammar Test review Seminar reflection Introduce Freeforum.net Independent reading check-in / info Packet rubric F451 Quiz 1 Unit Guide Discuss pages 7-31 HW: 1. Bring all items for Dystopia packet (see rubric) 2. Read through page 52 3. Annotate the Mechanical Hound passage 4. Bring your independent reading book 5. Post Literary Essay to mrlevel10.freeforums.net
Seminar Reflection
Seminar Make-up If you missed the seminar (maximum 40/40) If you were not prepared for the seminar (maximum 28/40) If you scored below 32 (maximum 32/40) Join discussion board on mrlevel.freeforums.net Dystopia Seminar Make-up Post 6-8 times on the discussion topics. At least 3 of your posts should be in response to someone else’s posts. Log in on different days to see how others are responding to you (it’s a discussion, after all) Due Friday, 10/19
8 Minute Writing Conferences Signing up Write your name next to one of the time slots. One name per slot. Grab a conference form. Place your printed essay into the appropriate basket. (Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, or No Conference) Do not sign up for a time that requires you to miss an academic class. Request teacher permission, but be clear that it’s up to the teacher and there are other times.
Before conference: Reread your paper within a day of the conference. Complete the pre-conference reflection. Maximum grade boost is 3 points if you have not done this. If you need to reschedule, please let me know in advance. If you miss your scheduled appointment without prior notice, you will not be able to make up the appointment or get the 5% boost.
Conference: Bring the conference form. Your paper will be scored, and I will go over the strengths and weaknesses of your essay, providing feedback for how to improve your writing. This conference is not for debating the grade on the essay.
After conference: Complete the post-reflection. You can revise your essay based on the feedback and resubmit your draft for up to 5% boost on the paper’s grade. Pay attention to detailed instructions.
Freeforum.net Go to mrlevel10.freeforums.net Create an account on freeforums.net Use your name for your display name Don’t forget your password! Click on the “Dystopia Literary Analysis” board Click “Create Thread” (upper right) Subject: your essay’s title Body: Copy and paste your whole essay (except the heading). Modify so paragraphing is clear. This will NOT be MLA format, and that’s okay. We will read each other’s essays starting next Wednesday.
Independent Reading How far are you in your independent reading book? Mark the key dates for yourself!
Quiz -If you miss a quiz, you have one week to make it up. -Nothing on the desk except the test and writing utensil. No pencil pouches or cell phones. -Place your blocker so it projects at least 6 inches from the desk, towards you to prevent the old lean back trick. -Write your name on your quiz. -“Explain the context” means explain the surrounding situation surrounding the quote. This could include who is speaking and to whom, where, when, or in relation to what has just happened. -Complete sentences are not always necessary. -Don’t look at other’s tests and do your best to prevent others from seeing yours. -Flip your quiz face down when you are finished. -Wait quietly until others are finished.
Through Page 31… I noticed… I was confused about… I’m wondering… I was interested in…
Motifs There are three principal motifs that we will focus on in Fahrenheit 451. Fire Light/Dark Animals Reread the first page. How many references to these motifs do you see? How might these references be meaningful? Where else have we seen these motifs popping up?