Using Greek and Latin Root Words to Build Vocabulary Language Roots Using Greek and Latin Root Words to Build Vocabulary List 15 Copyright © 2014 by Ellen M. Chapman
to seize, lay hold of, contain Meaning: to seize, lay hold of, contain Root Word: CAPT Examples: captive, captor
CHERI, CHARI dear, expensive cherish, charity Root Word: Meaning: Examples: cherish, charity
Root Word: CEN Meaning: to assess or judge Examples: census, censors
CIT, CIV citizen civilization, city, citizen Root Word: Meaning: Examples: civilization, city, citizen
CLAIM to call out, shout exclaim, proclaim Root Word: Meaning: Examples: exclaim, proclaim
MAGN, MAJ Meaning: Root Word: great, large Examples: majesty, major, magnificent
Root Word: MAND Meaning: to order Examples: command, demand, commander
MERC goods, trade Meaning: Root Word: Examples: merchandise, merchant, commercial
MICRO small microscope, microbe Root Word: Meaning: Examples: This is a VERY small tick shown on the tip of a human finger.
MIT, MISS to send Root Word: Meaning: Examples: admit, commit, mission, missive
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