Study Skills Development Online resources - website overview including subject specific staff & resources - online tutorials, workshop resources, and more Workshops ‘Clinic’ Group tutorials – general study skills enquiries ‘Study clinics’ (getting started, organisational skills, finding study skills resources) ‘Academic writing clinic’ (questions about academic writing, essays, assignments) Specific workshops Workshops and clinics are bookable. Google the Birkbeck Study skills workshop timetable One-to-one tutorials - Tutorials are offered by schools-based study skills staff as well as College-wide tutors - Limited in availability - Book via Moodle or subject-specific study skills staff Lecturers: please draw attention to the fact that there is subject-specific learning development provision (in most schools) as well as central study skills provision. Some one-to-one appointments are available from central study skills staff but students only really benefit from these if they have looked at the online resources first followed by the group tutorials and workshops. We stress to students that we cannot provide a proofreading service or check assignments directly before submission for reasons of academic integrity. For students studying non-mathematical subjects who need to work with numbers and data, we offer drop-in help every Monday during term time, 16:00-18:00, in Talk Room 10 Malet St. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the study skills programme offered centrally, please contact Deborah Grange (