WISER: Social Sciences Information Sources for business and management An introduction to three key databases available through the Oxford Libraries Information Platform (OXLIP): Business Source Complete, ORBIS and Euromonitor GMID Heading A: Helvetica bold, grey, 46pt Heading B: Helvetica roman, black 32 pt Heading C: Helvetica bold, grey, 32pt/38pt Body: Helvetica roman, black, 20pt/24pt Space between paragraphs: 12pt Bullets: Wingdings, black, 60% Please note that you can look up the indents by viewing rulers. If you want to get rid of the indents just drag the bottom arrow back to the left. Andy Priestner 21st February 2005
Overview Main resource types WISER Overview Main resource types Demonstration of several databases on OXLIP Resources at the Said Business School 21st February 2005
Business and Management WISER Types of Resource Company & Financial Data Business Journals Business and Management Economics & Statistics Newspapers Market Research 21st February 2005
WISER Remember us? 21st February 2005
Key Databases A comprehensive business and management e-journals database, covering both academic and trade journals. Also includes company profiles and market research. Large company and financial database. Provides company accounts data for over 16 million companies. Useful for competitor/industry analysis. Global market research providing data, graphs and textual reports.
WISER Live Demo 21st February 2005
New Resources on OxLIP WISER Emerging Markets Information Service Euromonitor GMID (Global Market Information Database) 21st February 2005
Databases at the Said Business School WISER WISER Databases at the Said Business School Database contracts Access Help / Advance Notice 21st February 2005
Databases at the Said Business School only WISER WISER Databases at the Said Business School only Market Research Mintel Keynote Company & Financial Thomson One Banker Analytics Bloomberg Datastream Advance News Factiva 21st February 2005
WISER WISER Any questions? 21st February 2005