Time/Calendar Review By Mrs. Goldberg
Makayla spent exactly 60 minutes at the library. How many hours did she spend at the library?
Damarion studies for 1 entire day for his measurement test. How many hours did he study?
Grace and Skyler have been friends for 1 year. How many months are in 1 year?
Moises had soccer practice every day for 1 entire week. How many days are in 1 week?
Tyler ran a race in 60 seconds. How many minutes did it take for Tyler to run the race?
Which of these numbers is greater than 3,590? A. 3,491 B. 3,601 C. 3,589 D. 3,578
What number means the same as 50,000+3, ? A. 53,313 B. 53,013 C. 50,313 D.50,303
What number is missing from the pattern below. 16,24,32,40,____
What is 578 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is the value of the 6 in 769,523?
How many days are in 3 weeks?
What time is it?
What time is shown on the clock?
Which time shows three forty five? A. 3:40 B. 34:50 C. 45:3 D. 3:45
What time is shown here? 5:45 A. quarter after 4 B. quarter to 5 C. quarter after 5 D. quarter to 6
Summer vacation is about 3 months long. About how many weeks is that?
One hour is equal to how many minutes?
One year is equal to how many weeks?
One year is equal to how many months?
What is the value of the 8 in 245,806
What is 512 rounded to the nearest ten?
What time is it?
Pancakes Served January 4,067 February 3,589 March 3,730 April 3,917 Which month did the restaurant serve the least number of pancakes?
January SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Evan is making this calendar for the bulletin board. What day of the week should January 22 be on?
August SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Sophies birthday is on the third Sunday in August. When is her birthday?
November SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Parkers birthday is on November 23. Julias birthday is six days before that. When is Julias birthday?