Revolution in Russia Chapter 15 1917–1939 TITAN BLASTER #1 Why did revolution occur in Russia in March 1917? Why did Lenin and the Bolsheviks launch the November revolution?
In 1914, the huge Russian empire stretched from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean.
The March Revolution Unlike industrialized Western Europe, Russia was a backward land dominated by land-owning nobles, priests, and an autocratic czar. A small middle class and an urban working class were emerging as Russia began to industrialize.
Why Did Revolution Occur in Russia in March 1917? Much of its majority peasant population were very poor. Revolutionaries worked to hatch radical plots. World War I was producing disasters on the battlefield for the Russian army, and food and fuel shortages on the home front. Rasputin’s influence in domestic affairs weakened confidence in the government.
Czar Nicholas and The Great War Czar Nicholas II went to the front to take personal charge. The decision proved a disastrous blunder. The czar was no more competent than many of his generals. Czar Nicholas II would abdicate or resign in 1917.
Czarina Alexandra Alexandra came to rely on the advice of Gregory Rasputin, an illiterate peasant and self-proclaimed “holy man.” By 1916, Rasputin’s influence over Alexandra had reached new heights and weakened confidence in the government.
The Death of Rasputin A group of nobles lured Rasputin to the palace. He was poisoned to no affect. He was shot through the chest with a revolver. As the conspirators examined the body, Rasputin sprang to his feet and began to attack the prince. Then Rasputin ran outside. He was shot again and then clubbed out cold. They threw his body into the river. When they found his body, it was determined that he died from DROWNING.
Collapse of the Monarchy In St. Petersburg (renamed Petrograd during the war), workers were going on strike. Marchers, mostly women, surged through the streets, shouting, “Bread! Bread!” Troops refused to fire on the demonstrators, leaving the government helpless.
Collapse of the Monarchy In Petrograd and other cities, Socialists set up soviets, or councils of workers and soldiers. Shortly after this a Marxist leader named V.I. Lenin took charge.
Vladimir Lenin Lenin called for an elite group to lead the revolution. The Bolsheviks (The Majority) were that radical socialist group. Lenin was exiled in Germany so the Germans sent him back to lead the Bolshevik Revolution.
Rise of Communism The Bolshevik Revolution brought civil war to Russia. The Red Army fought against the Whites who were still loyal to the fallen czar. The Bolsheviks changed their name to Communists.
Leon Trotsky Trotsky turned the Red Army into an effective fighting force. Trotsky’s passionate speeches roused soldiers to fight. So did the order to shoot every tenth man if a unit performed poorly.
End of the Revolution By 1921, the Communists had defeated their scattered foes, but Russia was in chaos. Although Lenin had triumphed, he faced an immense job of rebuilding a nation and an economy in ruins.
From Lenin to Stalin Chapter 15 1917–1939 TITAN BLASTER #2 Before becoming a leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Djugashvili changed his name to Stalin, which means “man of steel.” What do you predict the types of policies that one might expect a man named Stalin to follow?
Beginning of USSR In 1922, the Communists produced a constitution that seemed both democratic and socialist. It set up an elected legislature, later called the Supreme Soviet. All political power, resources, and means of production would belong to workers and peasants.
Beginning of USSR Under party control, factory and mine output had fallen. Peasants stopped producing grain, knowing it would only be seized by the government. In 1921, Lenin adopted the New Economic Policy, or NEP. It allowed some capitalist ventures in order to rebuild the Soviet economy.
Beginning of USSR Lenin’s sudden death in 1924 set off a power struggle among Communist leaders. The chief contenders were Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.
The Rise of Stalin After Lenin’s death, Stalin put his own supporters into top jobs and isolated Trotsky within the party. Stripped of party membership, Trotsky fled the country in 1929. Still, he continued to criticize Stalin. In 1940, Trotsky was murdered in Mexico by a Stalinist agent.
The Reign of Stalin Once in power, Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union into a modern industrial power with his 5 year plan. As a result of his plan, heavy industry expanded. Oil, coal, and steel production grew. Mining expanded, and new railroads were built.
The Reign of Stalin Stalin also brought agriculture under government control. He forced peasants to give up their private plots and live on either state-owned farms or collectives, large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group.
The Reign of Stalin Stalin sought to destroy the kulaks, or wealthy peasants. The government confiscated kulaks’ land and sent them to labor camps. Thousands were killed or died from overwork.
The Reign of Stalin Even though Stalin’s power was absolute, he was very paranoid. In 1934, Stalin launched the Great Purge. In this reign of terror, Stalin and his secret police persecuted party activists from the early days. His net soon widened to target army heroes, industrial managers, writers, and ordinary citizens.
The Reign of Stalin Former Communist leaders confessed to all kinds of crimes after officials tortured them or threatened their families or friends. The victims of the purges included most of the nation’s military officers which would hurt the Soviet Union when Germany invaded in 1941.
TITAN BLASTER Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state except a) secret police. b) propaganda. c) religion. d) censorship. In Soviet society, women were a) considered second-class citizens. b) stripped of all past freedoms. c) granted equality under the law. d) only allowed to hold certain jobs.
3 Section 3 Assessment Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state except a) secret police. b) propaganda. c) religion. d) censorship. In Soviet society, women were a) considered second-class citizens. b) stripped of all past freedoms. c) granted equality under the law. d) only allowed to hold certain jobs. Want to connect to the World History link for this section? Click Here!