ESF post 2020 Social innovation Transnational cooperation
Evolution of SI and TNC 2000-2006: EQUAL Effective but with heavy administrative burden 2007-2013: Flexible approach Mainstreaming approach resuts in limited take-up 2014-2020: EU platform Choice between 3 options but limited take-up
Lessons for the Future Partnerships among stakeholders working on common issues and /or simmilar target groups Earmarked budgets Precise work plan to be decided /implemented by all partners Networking Dissemination of results
First discussion at ESF TWG meeting , June 2017 SI and TNC are not a priority in all MS, hence reluctance to engage TNC should respond to MS needs, hence MS should identify the themes to be tackled Shared versus direct management: no clear majority Earmarked envelope within ESF national allocation or dedicated percentage of each OP Non-financial support needed : capacity building and partnership mechanisms TNC as tool for encouraging SI Partnerships at all levels are a must
Options for the Future Option 1: Status Quo Option 2: New EQUAL Option3: EQUAL Share Option 4: EQUAL Europe
Questions for debate What are the lessons taken from EQUAL 2000-2006 and trans-nationality under ESF 2007-2013 that should be stressed for the future? What should be retained under the current set-up of transnational cooperation and what should be improved? Would you consider to set aside a percentage of national ESF allocation for social innovation and transnational cooperation? What option would best fit the transnational cooperation under ESF in the post-2020 period? What should be the themes of future cooperation?