Packaging of Test Booklets Multiple grades may be packaged in the same box as long as they are bundled separately. Envelopes may be used for grades/districts with low enrollment Please use sturdy boxes no larger that standard paper boxes. Smaller boxes may also be used. Please only submit test booklets. Answer sheets go to Nassau BOCES. Include a roster in the box. Please pre-register your boxes at Please place box labels on the side of the box and not across the top where it will be sliced open.
Submit book 2 ONLY for ELA & Math scoring. Only ONE book this year for ELA!
Handling of Special Test Booklets Booklets requiring special handling should be placed in an envelope at the top of the box, separated by grade: Large Print Braille Word Processed - Please make a copy of the word processed responses then tape them into the correct question number. Please staple the copy of the sheets of paper to the back cover of the booklet with a single staple. Scribes – Please transcribe student responses in their appropriate areas within the test and staple the sheets of paper used for dictation to the back cover with a single staple
Translations If a student uses an English booklet and a foreign language booklet to test, (ie. reads the foreign language book but writes answers in the English book) please only submit the booklet with (translated) answers. Be sure to affix the barcode to the booklet being submitted. Please translate all responses in Non-Spanish test booklets from the foreign language to English. Spanish tests do not require translation. Please be sure to also translate foreign language responses that may be written into the English test booklets.
Science 4 & 8 Writing & Performance Science tests will be packaged with the written test nested in the performance test. Barcodes should be placed on the top of the front cover of both Performance and Written test books.
Science 4 & 8 Performance Packaging A box of science tests can have either 1 NY State Rating sheet or a rating sheet for every group. If there are 4 groups please make copies of the rating sheet and attach to the banded batches. Include a copy of the filled out state ratings sheet so we have a reference in case we cannot read handwriting, numbers were transcribed, etc. Include an OSC header sheet with the ranges correctly transcribed onto it..
Grade 4 State Record Sheet:
Grade 4 OSC Header Sheet: During scoring, the student’s response for a question and the appropriate range from the associated rating sheet will both be displayed on screen. It is IMPERATIVE that the range be accurate, or students will not get proper credit.
Grade 8 State Record Sheet:
OSC Header Sheet and group # on exam:
Opt-Outs / Refusals Session 2 / Book 2