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Do prospective employers? Do college recruiters look at your online profile? Remember how important Digital Citizenship is now and in the future! Do prospective employers?
This powerpoint presentation will introduce Career Clusters, the framework and how students benefit from Career Clusters.
Defining Career Cluster Framework Elements Career Path Career Cluster Career Pathway Program of Study Plan of Study Today we will discuss the Cluster Framework (Paths, Clusters, Pathways, Program of Study, and Personal Plan of Study. We will discuss how they are connected and suggestions for what students should learn at each grade level First of all: There are six Career Paths - Arts & Communication, Health Sciences, Industrial & Engineering Technology, Human Services, Natural Resources/Agriculture and Business, Management & Technology. Within the six career paths there are 16 Career Clusters. This framework organizes/groups occupations and careers (representing virtually the entire world of work). The career training is at many levels from apprenticeships (on the job training) to certificates received at career centers and colleges, to 4 year degrees, graduate and professional degrees to doctorate degrees. The frameworks assists educators in tailoring rigorous coursework and related activities for all students (those seeking a short amount of career training to those seeking doctorate degrees. The groupings are based on common knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, that all students within the cluster should achieve regardless of their career field. They are used in tailoring curriculum design for connecting academic, technical and employability skills, in conjunction with learners’ career planning. A Career Pathway represents a grouping of occupations within a cluster based on commonalities (pathways are the certificates/degrees needed for the career). There are three pathways for the Education & Training Cluster Administration & Administrative Support Professional Support Services Teaching & Training Programs of Study - A full range of activities, documents and process that make up a seamless education program from school to school within a Career Cluster or Pathway. IT IS THE BIG/OVERALL PICTURE! The Personal Plan of Study is the student’s scope and sequence of coursework and co-curricular experiences based upon chosen educational and career goals. “Back in the day there were only plans for the IEP student”. They are arranged according to secondary graduation requirements and post secondary admission requirements. Now for a more in-depth look at the components.
Missouri Connections missouriconnections.org This powerpoint presentation will introduce Career Clusters, the framework and how students benefit from Career Clusters.
Steps for creating a personal account: 1. Go to missouriconnections.org 2. In upper right corner, for username and password enter: a. User name: FZWestHS b. Password: 2viewmoc c. Select “Sign In” 3. Select “My Portfolio” from menu bar, then select “Login or Create My Portfolio” 4. Under New User select “Create My Portfolio” if you have not previously created one 5. Enter your personal information in the text fields. For username & password please use: Username: (lastname)(firstname)(2digitbirthday) ‐same as for portal. Password: (5 digit lunch pin)FZS
Career Cluster Inventory or Interest Profiler Short Form Missouri Connections provides useful information and resources such as: Assessments that measure interest, work values, skills, and other preferences Begin with the following… o Select Assessment tab o Select “What are my interests” o Select “Go to Career Cluster Inventory” and complete the inventory OR o Select “Go to Interest Profiler Short Form” and complete the inventory o You may then select your highest career cluster areas to interactively view occupations, programs of study, and colleges and universities
Inventory Results and Career/College Exploration Complete the worksheet with results from either the Interest Inventory or Interest Profiler Short Form from Missouri Connections. You will learn about each occupation as well as related degree programs and colleges that offer degrees in the related programs. Use one worksheet for each occupation you would like to explore.
https://goo.gl/forms/eeOK2iGwNUTkHJ222 Exit Slip Link https://goo.gl/forms/eeOK2iGwNUTkHJ222