Capstone Presentation Prepared by: Eleazer Fianko Ofei
Composition for part One Capstone is done in two parts Part One and Part Two Part one is done in three parts which is made up of chapters 1, 2 & 3
General Introduction and Summary Chapter one General Introduction and Summary 1.1 Introduction Every chapter should have an introduction, the introduction should either introduce the reader to what is expected to be contained in the chapter, or the introduction should present a brief idea about the topic and the problem to be researched into.
1.2 Field of study and subject area Refers to the broad area of study such as Accounting, Networking, Human Resource, marketing, banking etc. Subject area: Refers to a sub area of the field of study you want to study. For example, the field of study could be Accounting and the subject of study could be financial accounting, IP Adressing, auditing, taxation, .
1.3 Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is a general statement that indicates what the research seeks to achieve in the long term. Sample: Purpose of Research The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how the capital structure of deposit taking micro finance institutions affect the financial performance of these institutions.
1.4 Objectives of the study Specific objectives give the direct individual objectives that will lead to achieving the general objective. E.g. 1. To find out the internal control system been used by coca cola 2. To evaluate the challenges faced by coca cola in using their internal control
1.5 Problem Statement The problem statement should be made up of three parts; The Problem Setting Prior Studies Done in that Field Focus
1.6 Research Questions Research questions are questions set by the researcher to guide the researcher in achieving the set objectives, the research questions can be derived from the research objectives, by changing the from a statement to a question. Example What relationship exist between Age and Academic work as a determinant of performance at AIT?
1.7 Significance of the study The significance of the study provides the reader information on how important the research is in addressing the problems identified, here the student is expected to present the significance from the following angles; Example: How beneficial the research will be to the society, case study institutions and industry and other researchers in general.
1.8 Background and justification The background of the study presents a step by step general knowledge on the research topic and the extent to which issues have gone, it provides the reader with the preliminary research done on the study or research topic. It is expected to provide the reader with the history or global knowledge on the research area chosen, what other researchers have done, their results, where or areas they looked at and what your research seeks to do that is different from that work you have reviewed.
1.9 Expected Outcome of the project and Possible Usage This should be a statement or two which talks about what is expected at the end of the research work. And also a statement indicating what the research can or would be used for.
1.10 Limitations and Delimitation This part should explain the challenges that are likely to affect the researcher in carrying out the research work, this should range from literature, sampling, respondents, time factor, funding and other factors that will affect the researcher in carrying out the research 1.10.2 Delimitation Delimitations should spell out the how the limitations above would be addressed
1.11 Layout of Thesis This part gives the reader an idea about the summary of what is expected to be found in the various chapters that make up the capstone or research work. It should be a summary of chapter 1 to 5
Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theoretical Framework 2.3 Empirical Review 2.4 Conclusion
Chapter Three Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research Design 3.3 Population 3.4 Sampling and Sampling procedure 3.4.1 Sample size 3.4.2 Sampling Procedure
3.5 Data Collection method 3.5.1 Sources of data 3.5.2 Data collection tools 3.5.3 Administration of tools 3.6 Data analysis
Supervisors Contact Session Form (SC S forms) Students should SCS forms from the Lemass Fill three copies, one for each chapter i.e chapter one, one copy etc. Present it to your supervisor and let him fill it Run a photocopy and send the original to the ATA office at Sea view
Number of pages for each chapter Chapter 1 : 8 - 10 pages Chapter 2 : 10 – 15 pages Chapter 3 : 5 – 10 pages Total number of pages should not exceed 35 pages
Table of content formatting page Chapter One – General Introduction……………………4 1.1 Introduction………………………………………..……….. 4 1.2 Background of the study………………………..………5 Chapter Two – Literature Review………………………..15 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………15 2.2 Review of related literature………………..………..17
Content Formatting Chapter heading - 14pts Font style - Calibri General body Font size - 12 pts Content alignment – (Left Align or Justify) Content spacing should be – Double spacing
Submission of capstone work for grading Print one copies of the research work Print one copies of Grade Scheme for part two Print two copies of supervisors report for part two Print two copies of Quality assurance forms Fill all forms with your details