The Etruscans and the Rise of the Roman Republic Rome The Etruscans and the Rise of the Roman Republic
What You Should Know About the Etruscan Heritage and the Rise of Rome Standard: 6-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of life in ancient civilizations and contributions to the modern world. Indicator: 6-2.4 Describe the expansion and transition of the Roman government from monarchy to republic to empire, including the roles of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar (Octavius).
Today You should be able to… Describe the expansion and transition of the Roman government from monarchy to republic
Trade and the Mediterranean World
Map of Ancient Italy
Also known as the Tarquin Family The Etruscans Also known as the Tarquin Family conquered Rome ruled over Rome for more than a century established a monarchy (a King) undivided rule by a single person Rome grew in wealth and power
The Etruscans Began to treat their people cruel Romans rebelled Romans overthrew their king
Rise of the Roman Republic Mid 8th century BC- 509 BC Rome Ruled by Monarchy 509 BC Raids on Italy lead to expulsion of kings and founding of Roman Republic Rome distances itself from Etruria (Etruscans) 392 BC- Fall of Etruria (Etruscans) to Rome
The Roman Republic Romans established the “Roman Republic” lasted almost 500 years continued to grow trade caused Rome conflict with Carthage conquests expanded control throughout Mediterranean region because Rome won wars
Trade Traded: Minerals silver copper tin Pottery Perfumes Spices Wine Oil and Olives Wheat Amphorae to transport wine
Conquests Ancient Romans fought many battles and wars in order to expand and protect their empire. The Punic Wars The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. Carthage was a large city located on the coast of North Africa. This sounds like a long way away at first, but Carthage was just a short sea voyage from Rome across the Mediterranean Sea. Both cities were major powers at the time and both were expanding their empires. As the empires grew, they began to clash and soon war had begun.
Conquests There were three major parts of the Punic wars and they were fought over the course of more than 100 years. First Punic War (264 - 241 BC): The First Punic War was fought largely over the island of Sicily. This meant a lot of the fighting was at sea where Carthage had the advantage of a much stronger navy than Rome. However, Rome quickly built up a large navy of over 100 ships. Rome also invented the corvus, a type of assault bridge that allowed Rome's superior soldiers to board enemy navy vessels. Rome soon dominated Carthage and won the war.
Second Punic War (218 - 201 BC): Conquests Second Punic War (218 - 201 BC): In the Second Punic War, Carthage had more success fighting against the Roman legions. The Carthage leader and general, Hannibal, made a daring crossing of the Alps to attack Rome and northern Italy. This crossing was made more famous because he also brought a large number of elephants with him. Hannibal was a brilliant general and won several battles against the Romans. However, despite fighting for 16 years, Hannibal wasn't able to conquer the city of Rome. When Rome counterattacked his homeland of Carthage, Hannibal was forced to retreat. The final battle in this war was the Battle of Zama where the Roman general Scipio Africanus defeated Hannibal.
Conquests Third Punic War (149 - 146 BC): In the Third Punic War Rome attacked the city of Carthage. After three years of laying siege to the city, the Roman army broke through the walls and burned it to the ground.
Think, Turn and Talk, and Share What is a monarchy? What is a republic? Sequence the events that allowed Rome to transition from a monarchy to a republic.
Your Notes About Rome’s Transition from Monarchy to Republic
Exit Slip The Etruscans were a family who controlled Rome for over 100 years. What was another name for this family? What type of government was present in Rome under the rule of the Tarquin family? How were the citizens of Rome able to become the “Roman Republic?” Describe how the Roman Republic was able to grow and expand its territory?