The Real Deal with Peggy Pima {music & man’s voice} You’re watching The Real Deal with Peggy Pima. Today, Peggy Pima is taking calls from people all over the country with burning questions about what it’s like to be a student at Pima Medical Institute. The Real Deal with Peggy Pima
Assignments Quizzes calendar! Use a Like, OHMIGOSH! Are you serious, Peggy? Hi, Peggy. Thanks for taking my call. I’m like a real big fan of your show. Well, Peggy. I think online classes would be like easy. Is that like true? Use a calendar! Assignments Quizzes Peggy: Hello out there, I’m Peggy Pima. Today’s topic is Online Education at Pima Medical Institute. Let’s take the first caller. Cat from Denver, you’re up. Cat: Hi, Peggy. Thanks for taking my call. I’m like a real big fan of your show. Peggy: Thank you. What’s your question, Cat? Cat: Well Peggy, I think online classes would be like easy. Is that like true? Peggy: “Easy” isn’t the right word. Online classes are not necessarily easier or harder than a traditional classroom course. Because you don’t have to physically show up for class, you’ll have the full responsibility of keeping track of assignment due dates and quiz deadlines on your own. This requires you to be independent and organized so you can stay on task. Cat: Like, ohmigosh, are you serious, Peggy? Peggy: I sure am. I recommend that you use a calendar to keep track of everything. Successful students say that this really helps them plan their work. Good luck to ya, Cat. Our next caller is Mia from Seattle. Mia? I sure am. Today’s topic is Online Education. You’ll have the full responsibility of keeping track of assignment due dates and quiz deadlines. “Easy” isn’t the right word… What’s your question? Our next caller is Mia from Seattle. Cat, you’re up.
Practice using course tools and check your computer settings How can I know if I’m a good candidate for online learning? Peggy, is there any way I can try it out or do something like a “test drive”? Organized Practice using course tools and check your computer settings Do you: Are you someone who: Are you a: Student A) Gets things done ahead B) Needs reminding C) Puts things off A) Figure things out B) Try then ask for help C) Need directions explained Works independently Orientation A) Advanced user B) Average user C) Newbie Comfortable with computers Mia: Hello, Peggy. I’m seriously considering an online program but I’m not sure if I can hack it. How can I know if I’m a good candidate for online learning? Peggy: Mia, if you don’t know how to turn your computer on, then online learning is definitely NOT for you. {laughs} But seriously Mia, let me ask you a couple of questions. And be honest. Would you classify yourself as someone who A) Often gets things done ahead of time, B) Needs reminding to get things done, or C) Puts things off until the last minute. Mia: Definitely A. Peggy: That’s good. Next question. When it comes to using the computer, would you say you are an A) Advanced user. You go online to pay bills, shop, check email, read news and so forth, B) Average user. You go online 2 or 3 times a week to check email and browse a few of your usual sites, or C) a newbie. You only go online at work and seldom use it to do personal business? Mia: Well, I don’t shop online but I do pay bills online about once a month. And I do check my email once a week. Peggy: Then let’s just say you’re an average user. And my last question for you. When an instructor gives directions for an assignment, do you A) Figure things out for yourself, B) Try to follow the directions, then ask for help as needed, or C) Need the directions explained to you? Mia: Um. I guess B. Peggy: Mia, it sounds like you could possibly be a good candidate for taking an online course. You’re organized and can work independently, and it sounds like you’re fairly comfortable using the computer. Mia: Peggy, is there any way I can try it out or do something like a “test drive”? Peggy: You can actually take your “test drive” in the student orientation. Each lesson in the orientation let’s you practice submitting an assignment, taking an online quiz and using your course tools. It also checks your computer settings. By the end of orientation, if you find that online learning is not for you, you’re not penalized and you don’t lose any money. Our next caller is Tammy from Chula Vista. Tammy? Mia, if you don’t know how to turn your computer on, then online learning is definitely NOT for you. Mia, it sounds like you could possibly be a good candidate for taking an online course. You can actually take your test drive in the Student Orientation. Let me ask you a couple of questions. Our next caller is Tammy from Chula Vista. Tammy? If you find that online learning is not for you, you’re not penalized.
Online students must: Dedicate 3 to 6 hours a week per class Hello, Peggy. I’m a single mom who’s working full-time… Dedicate 3 to 6 hours a week per class Check your email every day Log in your courses every other day Read the textbook Participate in discussions Do homework Study for and take quizzes Thanks so much, Peggy! How much time does an online class take each week? Oh, ok. Tammy: Hello, Peggy. I’m a single mom who’s working full-time and I really want to take an online course so I can further my career. How much time does an online class take each week? Peggy: Great question, Tammy. Online courses are especially designed for busy people like yourself. You will need check your email every day, log in to your courses at least every other day, read the textbook, participate in classroom discussions, do homework assignments, study for and take quizzes. That being said, you’ll want to dedicate about 3 to 6 hours a week per class. Tammy: Oh ok. Peggy: Now, keep in mind, Tammy, that this may vary depending on how much of the course content you may already know. Tammy: Ok, thanks so much, Peggy! I really appreciate your help. Peggy: All right, we have enough time for one more call. We have Nick from Tucson on the line. Hello, Nick. We have Nick from Tucson on the line. This may vary depending on how much of the course content you may already know. Online courses are especially designed for busy people like yourself.
The End Email your instructor as often as necessary I’m having some serious trouble with my Algebra homework. I think I need a tutor. I don’t want to bother him. Email your instructor as often as necessary Nick: Thanks for taking my call, Peggy. I’m a current Pima online student and I’m having some serious trouble with my Algebra homework. I think I need tutor. Peggy: Nick, before you contact a tutor, let me ask you this. Have you contacted your instructor? Nick: No, I don’t want to bother him. I’m so lost. I feel like I need someone to walk me through each step. Peggy: Believe it or not Nick, it is your instructor’s job to help you understand the concepts of what you’re learning in class. So, if that means walking you through a problem step by step, then he’s willing and able to do just that. Everyone listening should understand that your online instructors at Pima are your coaches to help you learn. Don’t ever be afraid to email as often as you need to. You should be using all the resources you can and your instructor is your biggest and first resource. That’s all the time we have for today. {fade in music} Thanks for joining us. I’m your host Peggy Pima and this is The Real Deal! Your online instructors at Pima are your coaches to help you learn. It is your instructor’s job to help you understand the concepts. Your instructor is your biggest and first resource. Have you contacted your instructor?