“You have need of endurance…” (Hebrews 10:36; 12:1)
“You have need of endurance…” Endure to receive your reward (10:32-34) Do not cast away your reward by giving up (10:35-39)
“You have need of endurance…” Faith enables us to hope for things promised and to act upon instructions (11:1-10) The ancients (11:2) We (11:3) Abel (11:4) Enoch (11:5-6) Noah (11:7) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (11:8-10) These people of faith could have turned back, but they did not (11:13-16) They were looking for a heavenly country (11:16)
“You have need of endurance…” Triumphs of faith, victories (11:11-12; 17-31) Sarah (11:11-12) Abraham (11:17-19) Isaac (11:20) Jacob (11:21) Joseph (11:22) Moses’ parents (11:23) Moses (11:24-28) Israel (11:29-30) Rahab (11:31)
“You have need of endurance…” A host of O.T. characters were faithful at great cost (11:32-40) They endured unspeakable suffering because of their faith (11:32-38) Yet they did not see the fulfillment of the promises made to them (11:39-40)
“You have need of endurance…” Remember the days when you were 1st converted. Faith enables us to know the unknowable and see the unseeable. Walk with God, obey God. Divine warning should prompt godly fear and preparation on our part. The attitude of strangers and pilgrims on the earth is what pleases God.
“You have need of endurance…” God allows testing of one’s faith; realize that God wills for you to succeed in passing the test! Choose to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin! Look to the reward, working righteousness in order to obtain promises. The world is not worthy of those who are truly faithful!!
Conclusion Determine to remain faithful… Be motivated by the example of others (12:1-3) Especially by the example of Jesus