+ The Meditation Station The Other Class Time-Out Procedure Training School Psychologists to be Experts in Evidence Based Practices for Tertiary Students with Serious Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorders By Sarah H. Francis University of Utah - Department of Educational Psychology US Office of Education KH325K080308
+ GOAL: this intervention combines precision requests, problem solving, other class time-out procedures and teacher feedback to reduce disruptive and noncompliant behaviors Refer to the Think Time manual developed by Nelson and Carr (1996) for a complete description of a school-wide strategy involving an interclass time-out procedure.
+ AGE GROUP: elementary and secondary MATERIALS: debriefing forms and predetermined classrooms and desks set up for the Meditation Station (MS) ADVANTAGES: provides an opportunity to think about behavior, teacher feedback and encouragement for future behavior
+ Meditation Station - Overview A time-out procedure involves removing a student from a reinforcing environment to a less reinforcing environment. A class time-out procedure removes a student from his or her own classroom into a different classroom for a limited and/or predetermined period of time. Although the Meditation Station is a reductive procedure (takes something away), it can be effective in reducing negative verbal interactions and increasing compliance when used appropriately.
+ Meditation Station - Components Using the Meditation Station in combination with precision requests provides an opportunity for the student to think about their behavior, and provide teacher feedback and encouragement for future behavior. The Meditation Station requires cooperation between two or more teachers. Each teacher participating will designate a specific area for a student to spend while in time-out (i.e., a distraction-free desk in the back of the room).
+ Meditation Station - Advantages Enables the teacher and student to cut off a negative power struggle or social exchange over disruptive behavior. Eliminates coercive interactions between teachers and students. Initiates a positive social exchange between teachers and students. Includes students in the process of addressing their disruptive behaviors. Decreases the variability in teachers responses to disruptive behavior.
+ Meditation Station - Steps Introducing Meditation Station to the class: Instruction on classroom rules and consequences for misbehavior needs to be introduced and explained to the class through discussion and modeling. Meditation Station is introduced as a consequence that helps maintain a calm classroom and provides students with a place to settle down and gain control. The teacher demonstrates a signal when a student needs to go to the Meditation Station (e.g. a precision command, a card flip, etc). Expectations on how students are to leave the classroom and how to proceed to the designated class are demonstrated.
+ Meditation Station - Steps Upon arrival to the Meditation Station: When students arrive at the Meditation Station, they are instructed to wait at the door until the teacher signals them to enter. It must be understood that students are expected to enter the classroom quietly and go directly to the Meditation Station. During time-out (usually minutes) students are expected to work quietly on their debriefing form. The time-out teacher can ask the student to describe the problem behavior prior to giving them the form to complete. Homework may also be provided to work on during the time-out.
+ Meditation Station - Steps Exiting the Meditation Station After the designated time period, or when the student has completed the debriefing form, the student quietly waits for directions from the time-out teacher. When directed, the student returns to class and rejoins the ongoing class activity. When convenient, the teacher can go over the debriefing form. It is important for the student to have an opportunity for positive reinforcement when he or she returns to class.
+ Meditation Station - Troubleshooting Arrange with another teacher to use their classroom Pick a different grade level classroom (generally, a two year difference in grade level is best) Decide on the length of time for the contingency (e.g., 30 minutes) Have a desk or table set up at which the student can work Have academic work materials available for the student Offer to reciprocate by allowing the other teacher to send time-out students to your classroom Preplanned Steps to Follow
+ Debriefing Form What was the problem behavior? Where, when, and why did this problem happen? What will you do next time instead of this behavior? What will you do when you finish completing this form? Do you need to discuss this problem further with someone?
+ Specific Cautions Be aware of students who may not go directly (or at all) to the designated Meditation Station. Have a plan for those students who refuse to work. Establish a plan for extreme situations when the students behavior escalates when asked to go to the Meditation Station. May need an escort to the Meditation Station May need additional consequences (e.g., minutes of recess, administrative intervention, etc.)
+ References Bowen, J., Jenson, W. R. & Clark, E. (2004). School-based interventions for students with behavior problems. New York: Springer. Nelson, J. R., & Carr, B. A. (1996). The think time strategy for schools. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Reavis, H. K., Sweeten, M. T., Jenson, W. R., Morgan, D. P, Andrews, D. J. & Fister, S. (1996). BEST practices: Behavioral and educational strategies for teachers. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.