Iberian Languages and Linguistics Exam Preparation
Exam format 2 hour exam 2 sections 5 questions on each section Answer ONE question from each section
Semester 1 / Section A Native Speakers’ Competence Language Acquisition Philosophy of Language Language Change: Sound changes Standard languages Sociolinguistics and Dialectology Language and Society
Semester 2 / Section B Language Planning Language and nation Language planning measures taken in respect of Catalan, Galician and Basque Language revival
Practice Questions “A language is a dialect with an army and a navy”. Discuss Compare and contrast the language planning measures taken in respect of any 2 Iberian minority languages
“A language is a dialect with an army and a navy”. Discuss Discuss implies there are various ways of looking at the question: Introduction: present the problem of languages and dialects Popular view of languages and dialects Language and communication Formation of standard languages Languages, dialects and political power Conclusion
Introduction to language planning Compare and contrast the language planning measures taken in respect of any 2 Iberian minority languages Introduction to language planning Framework common to all Spanish languages: the 1978 Constitution The Estatutos de Autonomía Specific measures taken by autonomous governments Success or otherwise of the measures taken