Fractions and Decimals Lesson 7 Fractions and Decimals Measuring in Inches
Warm-up What units are used in the United States to measure length or distance? Which is larger, ? Which is larger, ? Simplify the fraction . Simplify the fraction .
Measuring in Inches Target: Use a customary ruler to measure inches and fractions of an inch.
Vocabulary Tick Marks: Lines splitting an inch into 16 even spaces.
Measuring with a Customary Ruler Locate the tick mark that most closely matches the length of the object. Record the whole number of inches. Record the fractional part of an inch that the tick mark represents. Write the whole number of inches with the fraction part of an inch in simplest form.
Example 1a Measure the line using inches on a ruler. Measure to the nearest 16th of an inch. The line corresponds to 3 whole inches plus two additional ticks. Write the fraction in simplest form.
Example 1b Measure the line using inches on a ruler. Measure to the nearest 16th of an inch. The line corresponds to 2 whole inches plus four additional ticks. Write the fraction in simplest form.
Example 2 Measure the line to the nearest quarter inch. The ruler shows that the line is 2 inches and then ends closer to the tick mark than the tick mark. The line is about .
Exit Problems Draw and label a line that is inches long. Measure ___________ to the nearest sixteenth of an inch (fill in the blank with an item you have with you).
Communication Prompt What is the most difficult aspect of using inches for measurements?