Prelude the Civil War -gold was found in Calif. in 1848 -thousands went to Calif. & it wanted to become a state States were equally balanced 15 slave & 15 free; Calif. would tip the scales = free -slavery was abolished in the DC -south upset over the UR & loss of slaves -wanted a stricter Fugitive Slave Law - South threatened to leave the Union
-Pres. Taylor was against any compromise but died suddenly & Millard Fillmore took over -approved the Compromise of 1850 (Clay’s version) (1) admits Calif as a free state (2) sets no conditions on slavery for the rest of the territory from Mexico (3) enacts a nat’l Fugitive Slave Law (which few in the N actually obeyed)
**Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 -a bill to create 2 terr out of the Nebraska Terr. (Kansas & Nebraska) -slavery to be settled by popular sovereignty -believed that Kan. = slave & Neb.= free -Problem? Missouri Compromise of 1820 forbade slavery in Neb Terr. (above 36 30) -only way to do this was to repeal the MC -Kansas would remain a terr until 1861
**Brooks & Sumner -1856 — Sen. Charles Sumner (abolitionist) talked much about the “crime against Kansas”, insulted SC & her senators -SC Sen. Preston Brooks took it upon himself to do something (his code of honor called for a duel, but they only fought ones with “equals”) -Brooks chose to punish Sumner himself: May 22, 1856 beat him until unconscious (requiring 3-Y2 yr. treatment)
**Dred Scott Case -1857, he had lived with his master in free terr of Ill. & Wis. for 5 yr -sued in court to get his freedom -Supreme Court ruled that Scott was not a US citizen ; -slaves were property & could be taken anywhere (5th Amend) -said Compromise of 1820 unconst. because Congress could not ban slavery
**John Brown (started in 1856) -upset over recent problems in Kansas -he & others butchered 5 pro-slavery men -planned to invade the South & help the slaves to rise up -attacked Harper’s Ferry (1 0/1 859) killing 7 innocents to take ammunitions -Brown was caught & later hung; became a martyr
**Election of 1860 -Dem. couldn’t agree on cand. & southern Dem. walked out of convention -N. Dem. finally selected Stephen Douglas -S. Dem. chose John C. Breckinridge (favored slavery & annexation of Cuba) -Union Party — party that feared the possibility of losing the Union; chose John Bell of Tenn.
-Rep. = Abe. Lincoln (not really an abolitionist) >nonextension of slavery, -Southerners said that if Lincoln elected the union would be lost -Lincoln won and south had a decision to make -The election was hurt by all of the 3 parties
*South Carolina kept its word -Dec. 1860 it unanimously decided to secede -next 6 weeks l0 other states did so to (11 in all) -met in Montgomery, Ala.; created the Confederate States of America & selected Jefferson Davis as President -Pres. Buchanan did nothing to stop them (no authority to do so)
Attempt at compromise: -Sen. Crittenden of Ky suggested amendments to Const. >slavery in terr. Prohibited north of 36°30’ >south of that to be protected >future states could choose free or slave -Lincoln vetoed it dividing the Union