Bell Ringer (in Math Journal) How can you convert from exponential to logarithmic form? What base is the log button on your calculator? What are the laws of exponents?
Logarithmic Equations Monday, October 20, 2014
remember To convert from an exponential 25 = 32 → log2 32 = 5 And to convert from a logarithm to an exponential log2 32 = 5 → 25 = 32
Properties of Logs-- NOTES There are 7 laws of exponents and 3 properties of logarithms that you need to know. Remember, logarithms are the inverse of exponentials and some rules apply…
Properties of Logs-- NOTES Like “when you multiply, you add” logb m + logb n= logb mn
Properties of Logs-- NOTES And “when you divide, you subtract” 2) logb m – logb n = logb m n
Properties of Logs-- NOTES And “when you raise a power to a power, you multiply.” 3) p logb m = logb mp
Natural log ln means natural log. The inverse of ln is e which is a number like π. The same rules apply.
Solving Log Equations If possible, simplify, get log of the same bases equal and “drop the log.” If not, simplify and convert to exponential form, then solve.