TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECASTING Director, WDS Department Enhancing CAPACITY AND COMPETENCIES OF the NMHSS IN TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECASTING AND WARNINGS XVI-RA II, Agenda Item 4.1(5) Presented by: Xu Tang Director, WDS Department +41 22 730 8264 (O), (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 14 February 2017)
Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) One of the Primary Objective: To establish national and regionally coordinated systems to ensure that the loss of life and damage caused by tropical cyclones are reduced to a minimum by delivering forecasting, warnings services to users with multi-hazard approach. One of the Priorities: Capacity development and competency enhancement.
TCP Regional Bodies and Responsible Areas No regular training workshops for TC and PTC due to their Statutes RA II Members RA IV HC PTC TC RA I TCC RA V TCC TCP has 5 regional bodies: Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC); Typhoon Committee (TC); RA IV Hurricane Committee (RA IV HC); RA I Tropical Cyclone Committee (RA I TCC); and RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee (RA V TCC).
References and Decision Resolution 23 (Cg-XVI); Decision 10 (EC-68); The Statutes – ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, and WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones; Cg-17 Abridged Final Report (paragraph 3.1.67); Jakarta Declaration (Joint RA-II/RA-V Workshop on WIGOS for Disaster Risk Reduction); and Memorandum on the Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users Conference (AOMSUC), Association is invited to discuss and make a decision on: Providing regular training workshops on tropical cyclone forecasting and warnings to PTC and TC Members, through WMO TC RSMCs and WMO Regional Training Centres; Calling for Members of the Association contributing resources and expertise to the training workshops; Calling for satellite operators of the Members signed the Memorandum on AOMSUC to coordinate to establish an appropriate protocol to provide rapid-scanning satellite surveillance to respond to urgent request for assistance from Members under tropical cyclone circumstances; Requesting the Members signed the Memorandum on AOMSUC to provide annual drills to implement the protocols with concerned Members in the region.
Thank you Merci