Stellar Mass
Alcor Mizar (Binary star) Ursa Major
Gravitational Orbits Animation
Binary star (system): two stars orbiting a common center of mass (CM). 1 r1 r2 CM 2 r2 = 3 AU, r1 = 1 AU
Kepler’s laws apply here . . . Yuk! P: years a: AU M: Solar Masses
a = r1 + r2 = 4 AU Suppose: P = 8 yrs . . . 1 M
“Seeing” Binary Stars Visual Binary: Two stars seen in telescope e.g., Mizar Albireo
Sirius A & B A B
0.0034 L 0.16 M Distance = 13 ly P = 44.6 yrs a = 9.5 AU A B Kruger 60 L M A B 0.01 L 0.0034 L 0.28 M 0.16 M
2. Spectroscopic Binary: Motion of stars detected via Doppler shift of spectrum lines. Mizar Each star is itself binary!
Earth * Doppler shift * No Doppler shift
Spectroscopic Binary Animation
Eclipsing Binary: Stars mutually eclipse each other. * No eclipse * Eclipse Earth
Binary ‘light curve’ Brightness Time ½ orbit period
Eclipsing Binary Animation
Binary Statistics * At least 50% of all stars reside in binaries. * The sun is apparently a loner!