Agenda Why is there a “Morning Meeting” in the classroom schedule? Introduction My ‘focus’: sharing Mrs. Manning’s news Closing ‘circle’ Handouts
Sharing: Mindset
Many years before I had experience, I had knowledge. I was that kid who loved school & played school when I wasn’t in school. I followed my passion Many years before I had experience, I had knowledge. BA in Special Ed, Arizona State University, Masters, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia Love to learn. Want to teach others to love to learn. My most influential teacher is my son. ...
Please don’t bring it to school If they forget it!! We value independence! Bathroom: At recess (not right after recess!) During independent work time If pockets are on the teaching carpet, they cannot go. Homework: Have your child own it and put it into their own backpack! Please don’t bring it to school If they forget it!!
Flip top lid not twist type lid Name on it! Water bottles : Flip top lid not twist type lid Name on it! You set up a system for when your child brings it home to be cleaned. Coats/sweaters/sweatshirts : Please WRITE YOUR CHILD’S NAME on them!
$ turned into the black box in the cafeteria Lunch: $ turned into the black box in the cafeteria Lunches from home on lunch cart in the morning Snacks: from home: pack separately Heatlhy Finger foods only Water, no other beverages Easy open containers
UNFINISHED: if there is a note from me, it needs to be finished Graded work When work comes home: UNFINISHED: if there is a note from me, it needs to be finished Otherwise, know your child worked hard but ran out of time FINISHED: It may not have any mark on it. It might have a stamp, a punch, Numbers,
I believe that work should come home for your child to share with you I believe that work should come home for your child to share with you. I will save some work at school as a collection of evidence to show growth. PROFICIENCY 4 3 2 1
Word Work/Writer’s Workshop Morning Meeting Word Work/Writer’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop 10:45 Recess 11:05 Lunch Math 1:10-1:25 Recess Expedition Snack Clean-Up 2:20-3:05 Specials 3:05 Dismissal
focused on word patterns differentiated for students within the weekly word focus Sight words included No spelling tests Lists will be sent home for practice Goal: to recognize, learn & use spelling patterns in reading and writing!
* Core instruction = mini-lessons to the whole class 3 genres: narrative, expository/informative, opinion Writing as a process Traits, conventions, organization, voice, word choice Also integrated into our expedition units Students will use checklists and rubrics Practice, practice, practice! GOAL: to experience different types of writing, to enjoy writing, & to become confident authors!
PRACTICE…PRACTICE…AND MORE PRACTICE! GOAL: to enjoy reading * Core instruction = mini-lessons to the whole class * variety of reading materials * Also integrated into our expedition units * Supplemental groups will be created to address specific needs. Not all students will be in targeted groups. These groups will be fluid and will change as needed. PRACTICE…PRACTICE…AND MORE PRACTICE! GOAL: to enjoy reading & to become independent readers!
Teach to the learning standards (CCSS), not a curriculum Instruct using multiple strategies & best practices Strong focus on problem solving Math conversations and evidence Collaboration through games Look at BSD website for standards Goal: Be a mathematician: think math, show & explain math, not just “do” math
Embedded in Expeditions Seasonal science Engineering design & inquiry activities Topics include: ecosystems, structure & property of matter, processes that shape the Earth GOAL: to develop curiosity and inquiring minds
Embedded in Expeditions Real world events/holidays/people Neighborhoods and communities: past & present Geography, maps and globes Symbols, traditions, & celebrations Goal: to understand the world around us
2 Expeditions TOP SECRET!! Unit of in-depth study of a specific subject Based on Science & Social Studies Learning Targets Field work and topic experts 2 case studies each, 2-3 months in length Final Product, high quality work Service related Exhibition daytime sharing in November, & Exhibition Night in May, Literacy embedded into expedition work TOP SECRET!!
Character Traits We live & learn through our character traits! *Responsibility * Compassion * Collaboration * Integrity * Perseverance As part of homework, each month, there will be a family activity: Your child will “teach” you We ask you to ‘catch’ your child and send us a photo for a year-long display Details will follow when it begins!!
Sent home beginning of the week “Team Homework”: Sent home beginning of the week Due last day of the week 20 minute of an activity = 1 * 3 ‘strikes’ (not turned in) = missed team activity Monthly family projects Monthly character activity Menu options will include: math, spelling, reading, writing *Please make homework fit your family life & supplement however you see fit
6 day rotation A day: Music B day: Art C day: P.E. A2: Music B2: Tech C2: P.E. ...
Most important needs: clerical & party coordinators! Volunteers Most volunteers will not start until after conferences after we determine classroom needs An online schedule will be set-up for you to access Most important needs: clerical & party coordinators!
Conferences 2 times this year Both will be student led 1st one: Save the dates: Oct. 22nd and 23rd Online sign-up will be sent out later in September Sign-ups will be for a block of time You will be here with other groups
What can you do? Praise the process ..emphasize the effort and not the product. Recognize and honor their logic and methods of problem solving. Play board games together!! Provide a consistent time and place for homework, and communicate your expectations. Stay informed: follow the classroom website!
Thank you for taking the time to join me this evening! Please be sure to review the ABC packet and follow my website! I look forward to our partnership this year.