Time Management Value MaP Student Learning Advisory Service Unit for Enhancement of Learning & Training Reshmi Dutta-Flanders
2 Time Management Introduction Why do you want to manage time? Evaluation Where does the time go? One task at a time/mini-goals Ten time saving suggestion
3 Time Management Why do you want to manage time? Any individual problem with time management Focus on the frequent problems Based on frequent problem - how do we deal with it Evaluation Where does the time go? Time circle Study time Self-evaluation planner One task at a time/mini-goals List all study deadlines Set your priorities Time patterns Organise diaries (a day planner/week planner) Colour codes and symbols Ten time saving suggestion
4 Time Management List of tasks to complete A day planner A week planner Review planner every week Evaluate –How I use time now –How I want to use time now Ten time saving suggestions Effective note taking Effective reading relevant to this essay or assignment Save on writing and looking up references Break large assignments into smaller tasks Keep eye on word limit Carry note book to record ideas Group information using highlighter pens or post it labels to move them around Write directly onto word processor Share research tasks and tactics with study partner (if any) If any emergency, consult your tutor immediately
5 Time Management WORK and work! (Organising your studies, CICED: pp. 5) The capital letter WORK Really getting to grips with your subject material Making sure things stick (retention) Making sure you can get them back (recall) Making sure you can give them back (communications) Active thinking, such as comparing, contrasting, summarising, and so on. The small letter work Various things you do, where not much learning really happens Things that take quite a bit of time, but where much of what you think about at the time vanishes Now lets see if you can tell which is which?
6 Activity (Organising your studies, CICED: pp. 6) Try to list the following activities under the respective headings for the two kinds of work: WORK &work Writing essays Writing reports Doing homework Doing literature searches Reading Rewriting lecture notes Summarising lecture notes Making question banks Preparing a seminar Practising answering questions Devising mnemonics
7 Tackling large assignments For example: a 3000-word essay is due in 2 weeks time. Make a list of all the tasks involved, e.g. –reread lecture notes –research in library –read 3 journal articles –draft outline –consult tutor –design charts etc. Break down these sub-tasks further –e.g. read first journal article Estimate the time you would need to complete each mini-task (be specific and realistic!) Get started and finish it. Well done!
8 Priority Organiser Module no.A Need to do B Do now Order of priority/when
9 Action Plan (Organising your studies: CICED pp. 10) List below the two most important changes that you think will help you, regarding your study plans Now list 2 things youre determined to avoid in future 1. 2.
10 Time Management References: Organising your studies, CICED Handouts: Time circle Making time to learn Study planner Ten tips on time management Priority organiser