Teacher Leader Corps – Year 2 Overview Elementary Overarching Objectives: WCPSS TLC members will gain an increased understanding of the CCSS Literacy Standards and how they relate to specific disciplines. WPCSS TLC members will increase awareness of how to model the teaching of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) and writing to deepen and enhance learning. WCPSS TLC members will recognize and intentionally implement at least two technology resources to enable students to engage in literacy of various disciplines. WCPSS TLC members will develop an increased awareness of print and non print resources in which text can be present across disciplines. Planning: 1 hour of PD redelivery after each training date 5 hours of PD for entire year Recommendation: Principals and TLC members create a redelivery plan for the year. School specific - based on staff needs Topics: Setting the stage and fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and phonemic awareness Writing
Secondary (Middle and High) Teacher Leader Corps – Year 2 Overview Secondary (Middle and High) Overarching Objectives: WCPSS TLC members will gain an increased understanding of the CCSS Literacy Standards (reading, domain specific vocabulary, argumentative and informational writing specifically) and how they relate to their specific discipline. WCPSS TLC members will intentionally apply at least two appropriate scaffolds that enables students to engage in literacy for a specific discipline. WCPSS TLC members will develop an increased awareness of the variety of texts structures in which text can be present across disciplines. WCPSS TLC members will develop an increased awareness of literacy thinking habits generally; as well as explore deeply within their own specific discipline. Topics: Setting the stage and introduction to disciplinary/content literacy Content literacy with a focus on authentic text and scaffolding for access Disciplinary literacy with a focus on reading and vocabulary Disciplinary literacy with a focus on writing Consolidating and creating Planning: 1 hour of PD redelivery after each training date 5 hours of PD for entire year Recommendation: Principals and TLC members create a redelivery plan for the year. School specific - based on staff needs