VCD Annual Plan 2011 VCD Curriculum Deveopment Andreas Bastedo
Topics New Curriculum Design Faculty Members Development Plan Annual Training Plan Grand Plan for Research on Entrepreneurship Education Publish our own Academic Journals Orientation Program for New Faculty Members Plan to Obtain Various Grants External Cooperation Bureau Staffs Development Plan Business Incubator Campaign Plan Data Center to Initiate our Knowledge Database Blueprint for Students Development Plan for Book Reading Campaign Course Design Awards and Other Awards Academic Quality Improvement Plan Temporary Officers for New and Vacant Entities
Urgent Less Urgent Important Less Important Course Delivery New Curriculum Design Blueprint for Students Development Annual Training Plan Research Academic Journal (VICIDI) Academic Quality Improvement Plan Lab Facilities Less Important Faculy Member Development Plan Obtain Grants Staffs Development Plan Data Center Orientation Program for New Faculty External Cooperation Bureau Business Incubator Campaign Plan Plan for Book Rea Course Design Awards
New Curriculum Design
Goals Create updated curriculum for Visual Communication Design Updated Curriculum criteria : Minimum 3 credit points and maximum 6 credit points per course Not more than 47 course total (144 credits totals for bachelor degree) 21 credits per semester Integrate curriculum with entrepreneurship curriculum Integrate curriculum with MKDU courses PBL / PjBL integration Create cross-study courses (3 courses) Updated curriculum is intended for 2011 batch of new students Plan for transition between old and new curriculum
Rationalization 2011 Competency Goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Graphic Design 2D (4) , 3D (4), VCD1 VCD2 VCD3 VCD4 VCD5 Final Project 39 27.08% Graphic & Publishing Letterform Design Typography 1 Typography 2 Copywriting (3) News & Magazine (3) 15 10.42% Comic & Illustration Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Sketching 1 Comic & Illustration 1 (3) Comic & Illustration 2 (3) 9 6.25% Games, Animation & Multimedia CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 DCC1 (3) DCC2 (3) Photography, Film & Television Photography 1 Photography 2 Video Design 1 (3) Video Design 2 (3) 4.17% Art & Packaging Printing Process(3) Packaging Design 1 (3) Packaging Design 2 (3) Art & Craft (3), Graphic on Product (3) Entrepreneurship E1 E2 E3 E4 (NVC1) E5 (NVC2) NVM1 NVM2 21 14.58% MKDU General English Academic English Indonesian Language (3), Religion (3) IAD (3), IBD (3), Citizenship (3) Supplementary Skill Design Thinking Art History Design Appreciation Communication Process Cross Culture (3) Cross Study (3) 51 18 12.50% 20 23 14 144 100.00% Rationalization 2011
Faculty Members Development Plan
Annual Planning 2010 - Development Plan Goals Conform to Indonesia’s standards of minimum education level for lecturers (master degree) Pursue higher education standard for accreditation purposes Annual Planning 2010 - Development Plan Name Education Plan Start Time Remark Andreas Bastedo S2 - Game Tech (ITS) 2 years Christian Ang Shienny Megawati Ferryanto Markus Santoso S3 Degree - Visual Content - Dongseo 21/2/2010 3 years Mikael Ifianto Michael Nathanael Kauffman Foundation program 14/1/2010 6 month
Annual Training Plan
Goals Equipped lecturer with real hands on experience and/or information for each subject relevance. Minimal 2 seminar / workshop session yearly for each lecturer
Academic Journal
Updates VICIDI journal has been created in 2010 The journal itself is published twice a year with an A5 format Printed 1000 copies every release and distributed to several universities Slated for accreditation process in 2011
Staff Development Plan
Goals Conform to Universtas Ciputra’s standards of minimum education level for staffs Pursue higher education standard
Data Center
Goals Using available tools (UC-Share), help Data Center* to build foundations for data gathering tools and methods * To be determined
Blueprint for Students Development
Academic Quality Improvement Plan
Activity Planned Joint Exhibition with Nanyang Fine Arts (NAFA), Student Exchange with DongSeo, Information exchange with Marangoni and Seattle Art Institute GameON 2010 and GameCON 2011 Event Creativepreneur Exhibition and DATE final project Exhibition Ciputra Olympic Design Awards events with schollarship Program Cataloque Program Portfolio
Lab Facilities
Facilities Planned Radio Lab pogram between VCD and Psychology department Multimedia Lab (Video / Audio Lab) Photography Lab