STRATEGIC PLAN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SECTION AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS GOALS Effective Communication Committed and Dedicated Leadership Team Relevant, Exciting Events Networking: Promote the formation of closer professional and personal relationships for members. STRATEGIES Education: Provide educational opportunities for members to enhance professionalism and stay abreast of technology and trends. Clearly Define Organization and Governance Succession Planning and Leadership Development Establish Event Committee Partner with other Professional Organizations Maintain an Accurate Membership Database Maintain Local Chapter Website Increase NCSU Professor Participation Maintain Effective Communication Tools Utilize Dynamic Presenters with Timely, Substantive Topics Provide Opportunities to Obtain PDH Credits Utilize Surveys or Other Mechanisms to Facilitate Feedback Publish Activities in Local Media Develop Attendance Incentives PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (1yr) Organization: Maintain sufficient organizational and financial resources to maximize membership involvement, retention, and growth. 6 Events per Year 100 Total Dues Paying Members 10% Membership Growth Rate 120 Meeting Attendees for Year MISSION To provide an organization to further the growth and professionalism of Chemical Engineers through a program which promotes education, community involvement, professionalism, and networking. Professionalism: Advancement of the profession of Chemical Engineering and maintenance of high professional standards among its members. Student Outreach: Promote relationships with the AIChE student chapter. BARRIERS Competing Organizations – ISPE, etc. Declining Number of Chemical Engineering Graduates Declining Employment Opportunities for Chemical Engineers Declining Corporate Funding of Dues and Activities Changing Landscape of Opportunities Community Involvement: Provide support to the local community and provide a vehicle for organizational recognition. Aug 3, 2012
BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SECTION AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS GOALS Networking: Promote the formation of closer professional and personal relationships for members. Education: Provide educational opportunities for members to enhance professionalism and stay abreast of technology and trends. BENEFITS Develop Professional Contacts Among Industry, Universities, Government, and Professional Societies Opportunities to Enhance Professional Skills and Capabilities Maintain Awareness of Technology and Trends Obtain PDHs Plant Tours Serve as Mentor to Student Chapter Members Community Involvement Discounts on Insurance and Professional Training Organization: Maintain sufficient organizational and financial resources to maximize membership involvement, retention, and growth. MISSION To provide an organization to further the growth and professionalism of Chemical Engineers through a program which promotes education, community involvement, professionalism, and networking. Professionalism: Advancement of the profession of Chemical Engineering and maintenance of high professional standards among its members. Student Outreach: Promote relationships with the AIChE student chapter. Community Involvement: Provide support to the local community and provide a vehicle for organizational recognition. Aug 3, 2012