What are some things being protested today? How do we protest? Warm-Up What are some things being protested today? How do we protest?
Ch. 17, Sec. 3 Luther and the Reformation Goals: Identify causes that led to the reformation. 2. Analyze Martin Luther’s role in the reformation. 3. Analyze the impact of Luther’s religious revolt. 4. Explain the spread of the Protestant faith to England.
Setting the Stage for Reformation By 1500: -renaissance humanism and secularism challenged the church -printing press helped spread new ideas -Germany=many states and princes, hard for Pope to hold central power -German merchants didn’t like paying taxes to Rome
Criticisms of the Church Corrupt leaders- buying of positions, power hungry Popes spent $$$ on arts, personal luxuries and fought wars (one even admitted to having kids) Some priests and monks = barely read and had little education Some P & M = married, drank or gambled Wycliffe, Hus, Erasmus and More had all challenged the church’s authority and called for change
Luther Challenges the Church Martin Luther – monk and teacher, taught at a university 1517 – Johann Tetzel a local friar was raising $ to rebuild a church Indulgence- a pardon from sin, by releasing a sinner from having to perform a penalty imposed by a priest Tetzel was giving the impression that people could buy their way into heaven if they bought enough
Luther cont. In response: Luther wrote 95 Theses ( formal statements arguing against the selling of pardons) & posted them on door of the church and invited the clergy and scholars to a debate They were printed up and distributed Beginning of the Reformation – movement during the 1500’s for religious reform of the church
Luther’s Teachings 3 main ideas: -people could be saved only through faith in God’s forgiveness – -All church teachings should be based on the Bible, the church and the Pope were false authorities -All people who believed were equal, priests were not better than and people did not need them to interpret the Bible
Church Response to Luther At first- just a rebellious monk, but as he grew in popularity and influence realized he was trouble Luther once suggested the people drive out the Pope by force Pope Leo X – sent official letter threatening excommunication if Luther did not take back words Luther was excommunicated
Emperor’s Response Holy Roman Emperor- Charles V – devout Catholic -called Luther to stand trial and recant -Luther refused, Charles declared him a heretic and an outlaw – no one was to give him food, shelter or $ & his books burned A prince gave him shelter and while there Luther translated the Bible into German A year later his ideas were being put into practice Lutherans =New religion based on Luther’s ideas and protests of Catholic church
Peasant Response Peasants: -demanded end to serfdom -bands raided monasteries, pillaging and burning -Luther horrified & told Princes to punish the peasants – armies killed 100,000 people -Peasants turned on Luther and many rejected him
Prince’s Response Princes: -some shared Luther’s ideas, many saw an excuse to seize church property and rebel against Charles V -They chose sides- some loyal to Charles & Pope signed a treaty Others signed a document of protest against the treaty Protestant- term applied to all Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches Charles V went to war and defeated the Princes, but couldn’t force them to be Catholic Signed “Peace of Augsburg” – treaty that allowed the princes to declare the religion of their own kingdoms
Martin Luther video clip